
History: Home > Abergavenny Arms

Abergavenny Arms (Punch Taverns)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Harvey's - Sussex Best BitterAcceptable1
Picture 1. Abergavenny Arms, Frant, Kent

Visits Details

25 Jun 2012 (Trevor)
We had a very pleasant meal at lunchtime in the area to the right as we entered the pub from the car park. The staff were friendly and the service good.
Harvey's - Sussex Best Bitter4.00Acceptable

About the Abergavenny Arms

The pub sign. Abergavenny Arms, Frant, Kent

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Frant, Kent, TN3 9DB.

A 15th century coaching inn in Frant Road. Coming from the car park and moving to the right on entering the pub there is a seating area with an open fire and low beams as well as a few tables. However moving straight on along a corridor there was a bar area and to the left a restaurant.

We have visited this pub once, seen 1 beer and tried it.

Map location

Postcode: TN3 9DB