
History: Home > Oddfellows Arms (formerly The Oak Tree)

Oddfellows Arms (formerly The Oak Tree) (Charles Wells)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Adnams - BroadsideAcceptable1
Picture 1. Oddfellows Arms (formerly The Oak Tree), Harpenden, Hertfordshire
Michael Croxford

Visits Details

15 Jan 2015 (HSB)
13:10 Reasonably busy, beer delivery due so only one cask ale on.
Adnams - Broadside4.70AcceptableBit sharp at the end.

About the Oddfellows Arms (formerly The Oak Tree)

The pub sign. Oddfellows Arms (formerly The Oak Tree), Harpenden, Hertfordshire

Summary of Beer Scores


The pub is found in Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2TG.

Tucked up a side street off the town centre in Leyton Green, this is a traditional drinkers' pub. Central bar with a room each side. Refurbished and reopened in December 2015 featuring a new pewter bar top and a new real log fire and reverted back to its original name of the Oddfellows Arms.

We have visited this pub once, seen 1 beer and tried it.

Map location

Postcode: AL5 2TG