
History: Home > Dubbel > Pubs > The Punch Tavern

The Punch Tavern (Punch Taverns)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Portobello - StarExcellent2
Marston's - EPAAcceptable1
Marston's - EPA Celebration AlePoor1
Adnams - BroadsideNot Tried0
Timothy Taylor - LandlordNot Tried0
Sharp's - Doom BarNot Tried0
Adnams - Southwold BitterNot Tried0
Picture 1. The Punch Tavern, Fleet Street, Central London
Picture 2. The Punch Tavern, Fleet Street, Central London
Picture 3. The Punch Tavern, Fleet Street, Central London

Visits Details

13 Jul 2015 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening 10.40pm. "We're closed". When challenged was told it normally closed at 11 but had decided to close early. An unreliable venue for the late night toper!
31 Mar 2015 (Stephen Harris)
Pub quiz underway in back room. Expensive pint. A high proportion of the customers are dinking gin, I notice.
Portobello - Star4.30ExcellentReally good condition shows this to be an excellent Best Bitter with a bit of a bite.
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Adnams - Southwold Bitter3.70Not Tried
09 Jan 2015 (Stephen Harris)
A rather brief visit as the pub is very crowded on a Friday evening and I am reduced to standing in the entrance lobby. Expensive pint.
Portobello - Star4.30GoodAmber-coloured. Slightly sharp, but easy-drinking Bitter.
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Marston's - EPA Celebration Ale3.60Not Tried
17 Apr 2014 (HSB)
11:00 First heritage pub of the day's tour. One other group of drinkers in. The Guvnor heard us discussing the pub and brought out his collection of London pub books. He also photocopied the relevant pages from a an old City pub guide one of our party had with him.
Marston's - EPA3.60AcceptableBit thin and sweet.
Adnams - Broadside4.70Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
27 Nov 2012 (Stephen Harris)
I moved on to this pub when the Black Friar became too crowded. Busy here too, and I had to be sharp to avoid being short-changed by £5 at the bar.
Marston's - EPA Celebration Ale3.60PoorThe complete name of this beer appears to be EPA Celebration Ale. Pale in colour and a bit feeble in taste. Served way too cold. I suspect it might be one of these ‘fast cask’ thingies.
Adnams - Broadside4.70Not Tried
Timothy Taylor - Landlord4.30Not Tried

About The Punch Tavern

The pub sign. The Punch Tavern, Fleet Street, Central London

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Fleet Street, Central London, EC4Y 1DE.

This famous Fleet Street pub was present by 1839 and in 1841 it was the location where Punch magazine was first thought up. Ludgate Circus outside was apparently a well-known location for Punch & Judy shows. The pub has a somewhat complicated history. It merged with the next door Crown & Sugarloaf in around 1847 and the two were re-built in 1895, set back from Fleet Street behind shop units and accessed via a tiled passage. The tiles are still there, as are other remnants of the 1895 design. In 2004 the Crown & Sugarloaf was resurrected by Samuel Smith's as a separate pub next door, and the Punch Tavern expanded to the rear into a former shop premises. May close early any night if business is light.

We have visited this pub 5 times, seen 7 different beers and tried 3 of them.

Map location

Postcode: EC4Y 1DE