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Frog & Rosbif Inseine

PubAddressLast Visit Seen
Frog & British LibraryParis, France11 Mar 2005
Frog & RosbifParis, France11 Mar 2005

Tasting Summary

These comments are the opinion of the individual reviewer and represent what they thought of the beer on a particular day in a particular pub. If a review is less favourable, it may be because the beer suffered somewhere in the supply chain between them and the brewery.

Frog & British Library, Paris, France

IanAcceptable11 Mar 2005 Pale brown, mild malt and nose of hops. Taste of citrus, herbs and hops. Finish is bitter with tangy hops, almost taste of tea

Frog & Rosbif, Paris, France

IanGood11 Mar 2005 A good interpretation of an English best bitter

Frog & Rosbif Inseine

4.40% ABV.

We have tried this beer twice.

We have given this beer an average score of Acceptable to Good.

Other Frog & Rosbif beers.