
History: Home > Limestone

Goody Ales - Bleangate Brewery Goodness Gracious Me Green Hop

PubAddressLast Visit Seen
Goody Ales BreweryHerne, Kent12 Nov 2022
The Broken DrumBlackfen, Greater London31 Oct 2022
The River Ale HouseEast Greenwich, Greater London15 Oct 2020
The Long PondEltham, Greater London27 Sep 2019
Kiosk - food and drink festival 2019Canterbury, Kent27 Sep 2019
Kent Green Hop Beer Festival 2014Canterbury, Kent26 Sep 2014

Tasting Summary

These comments are the opinion of the individual reviewer and represent what they thought of the beer on a particular day in a particular pub. If a review is less favourable, it may be because the beer suffered somewhere in the supply chain between them and the brewery.

Goody Ales Brewery, Herne, Kent

Jack WilliamNot Tried12 Nov 2022
oz11Excellent12 Oct 2014

The Broken Drum, Blackfen, Greater London

Philip PirripAcceptable31 Oct 2022 2022 version, OK but not much condition

The River Ale House, East Greenwich, Greater London

Philip PirripNot Tried15 Oct 2020 Ran out
Philip PirripNot Tried14 Oct 2020
Philip PirripNot Tried13 Oct 2020
Philip PirripNot Tried11 Oct 2020
Philip PirripGood10 Oct 2020 Good but rather tart
Philip PirripExcellent20 Oct 2019 Very much better than my expectations

The Long Pond, Eltham, Greater London

Philip PirripNot Tried27 Sep 2019
Philip PirripAcceptable12 Oct 2018 Some haze, disappointingly cloying when I hoped for crispness and cleanness of taste

Kiosk - food and drink festival 2019, Canterbury, Kent

Jack WilliamGood27 Sep 2019

Kent Green Hop Beer Festival 2014, Canterbury, Kent

AndrewNot Tried26 Sep 2014

Goody Ales - Bleangate Brewery Goodness Gracious Me Green Hop

4.80% ABV.

We have tried this beer 6 times.

We have given this beer an average score of Good.

Other Goody Ales - Bleangate Brewery beers.