
History: Home > The Crieff Hotel

Alcazar Maple Magic Winter Ale

PubAddressLast Visit Seen
White Cliffs Beer Festival 2007Dover, Kent02 Feb 2007

Tasting Summary

These comments are the opinion of the individual reviewer and represent what they thought of the beer on a particular day in a particular pub. If a review is less favourable, it may be because the beer suffered somewhere in the supply chain between them and the brewery.

White Cliffs Beer Festival 2007, Dover, Kent

IanAcceptable02 Feb 2007 Black beer with lasting dark beige head. Sour funky aroma. Spice, quite a lot of spice. Odd in mouth, bit sour, nice dark date flavour. Just so bizarre. Just a weird beer, some maple syrup. Odd and to be honest I couldn’t finish it. Bit hazelnutty too. Another idiosynchratic beer from Alcazar.

Alcazar Maple Magic Winter Ale

5.50% ABV.

We have tried this beer once.

We have given this beer an average score of Acceptable.

Other Alcazar beers.