
History: Home > South Ayrshire > XT Brewing

XT Brewing Beers


BeerABV (%)Seen (Tried)Ave. Score
π Mild 3.141%3.10 3 (0)Not Tried
1215 Magna Carter4.20 1 (1)Acceptable
134.50 3 (3)Good
3 (Three)4.20 6 (1)Acceptable
3 West Coast IPA4.20 7 (0)Not Tried
4 Mellow Amber3.80 1 (1)Excellent
5 (Five)5.00 1 (1)Good
: Single Hop Sorachi Ace4.50 1 (1)Excellent
Animal Brewing !Squeak!4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Aardvark4.60 1 (1)Excellent
Animal Brewing Armadillo4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Bear5.00 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Blue Dragon4.60 2 (1)Excellent
Animal Brewing Buzzz4.50 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Cockerel4.60 1 (1)Good
Animal Brewing Crow4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Dachshund4.60 1 (1)Good
Animal Brewing Doodle Doo!4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Dormouse4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Flounder4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Gazelle4.60 1 (1)Excellent
Animal Brewing Goat4.60 3 (1)Good
Animal Brewing Gobble!!!4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Hoot4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Hop Hound4.60 1 (1)Good
Animal Brewing Hop Kitty3.90 11 (6)Good
Animal Brewing HopCat IPA3.90 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Hummingbird4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing K.94.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Kiwi4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Lion London Porter4.60 6 (2)Exceptional
Animal Brewing Lynx4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Magpie4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Manta Ray4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Moo!4.60 2 (1)Good
Animal Brewing Moose4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Newt4.60 1 (1)Excellent
Animal Brewing Octopus4.60 2 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Oink!4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Orca4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Orca4.90 2 (1)Good
Animal Brewing Peacock4.60 1 (1)Excellent
Animal Brewing Polar Bear4.60 2 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Rabbit5.00 1 (1)Excellent
Animal Brewing Raven (collaboration with Uprising sub brand of Windsor & Eton)4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Rockhopper4.20 1 (1)Excellent
Animal Brewing Rook4.60 2 (2)Excellent
Animal Brewing Rudolph4.60 1 (1)Good
Animal Brewing Salamander4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Sealion4.60 1 (1)Good
Animal Brewing Shark4.60 4 (1)Good
Animal Brewing Skunk4.60 1 (1)Good
Animal Brewing Snow Moo4.60 1 (1)Excellent
Animal Brewing Spaniel4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Swallow4.70 3 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Woodpecker4.60 1 (0)Not Tried
Animal Brewing Zebra4.60 1 (1)Excellent
Baby Animal Dark Stout4.90 1 (0)Not Tried
Brit hop5.00 1 (1)Good
Lest We Forget4.20 3 (2)Excellent
No. 1 Blonde4.20 9 (4)Good
No. 1 Fresh Hop Blonde4.20 1 (1)Good
No. 10 Stout4.50 2 (1)Good
No. 13 Pacific Red Ale4.50 14 (5)Excellent
No. 14 Saison Pale Ale4.50 1 (1)Good
No. 17 Citra Pale4.50 1 (1)Good
No. 2 Gold4.20 13 (5)Good
No. 3 Indian Pale4.20 7 (1)Good
No. 4 Mellow Amber3.80 24 (9)Good
No. 4 Session Amber3.80 2 (2)Good
No. 5 American Amber5.50 8 (5)Excellent
No. 6 Rich Ruby4.50 7 (5)Good
No. 7 Belgian Tawny4.50 1 (1)Good
No. 8 Dark Roast4.50 19 (11)Excellent
No. 8 Porter4.50 4 (1)Acceptable
No. 9 Black Velvet5.50 3 (1)Excellent
Palomino4.10 1 (1)Excellent
Saison4.90 1 (0)Not Tried
Squid Ink5.50 2 (1)Excellent
Thame Brewery Hoppiness3.80 1 (1)Exceptional
X Egham Ten5.10 1 (1)Exceptional
XPA5.90 4 (3)Excellent
XT14.20 1 (1)Excellent
XT15 English IPA4.50 2 (0)Not Tried
XT25 Christmas Ale (or Xmas Ale)4.70 1 (1)Good
XT8 (Wooden Cask)4.80 1 (1)Excellent
XT995.00 1 (1)Excellent

XT Brewing

Here is a list of all the XT Brewing beers we have seen. Click on a beer to see its summary along with the pubs it has been seen in.