
History: Home > Philip Pirrip > Beers

Beers that Philip Pirrip has Tried

Results 81 - 100 of 5576 for Beers 

Beer (sort)Brewer (sort)Samples Score (sort)
Longboat (collaboration with Ægir)Adnams1Good
Mosaic Pale AleAdnams10Excellent
Nils Oscar India AleAdnams4Good
Nut BrownAdnams1Good
Old AleAdnams7Good
Oyster StoutAdnams1Good
Pretty Things Jack D'Or Saison AmericaineAdnams7Excellent
Redpoint Tai Pale AleAdnams1Acceptable
Rogue Brutal IPAAdnams3Good
Samba City 2016Adnams1Good
Sixpoint Bengali (previously Bengali Tiger)Adnams3Good
Sixpoint Bklyn BitterAdnams1Good
Sixpoint ImporterAdnams2Excellent
Sixpoint Lo-ResAdnams1Good
Sixpoint Make It RainAdnams4Good
Sixpoint Righteous AleAdnams2Excellent
Sixpoint Wheat StreetAdnams1Good
Sixpoint XPorterAdnams2Excellent
So Many Different WorldsAdnams1Good

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Philip Pirrip

Here's a summary of what Philip Pirrip has entered onto PubsandBeer.