History: Home > Adam Holmes > Beers
Results 1 - 9 of 9 for Beers
Beer (sort) | Brewer (sort) | Samples | Score (sort) |
Jungle Bells | Blue Monkey | 1 | |
Cheshire Set | Cheshire Brewhouse | 1 | |
Panners Gold | GreyHawk | 1 | |
Cumberland Ale | Jennings (since closure now brewed at Marston's) | 1 | |
Pedigree | Marston's | 1 | |
Merlin's Gold | Merlin | 1 | |
Blond Witch | Moorhouse's | 1 | |
Excelsius (was Excelsior) | Ossett | 1 | |
Baize Chocolate Mint Stout | Thornbridge / Thornbridge Hall | 1 | |
Results page: 1
Here's a summary of what Adam Holmes has entered onto PubsandBeer.