
History: Home > Hogan Sampling > Beers

Beers that Hogan Sampling has Tried

Results 1 - 20 of 114 for Beers 

Beer (sort)Brewer (sort)Samples Score (sort)
Dreamboat (collaboration with New Bristol)Adnams1Good
MosaicArbor Ales1Good
1820 PorterBeerblefish1Good
Baldwin IPABewdley1Good
Ridley's RiteBishop Nick1Excellent
Landing GearBlack Box1Good
HeatwaveBy The Horns1Acceptable
Kent PaleCanterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew)1Good
Kentish BestCanterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew)1Good
The Knight's AleCanterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew)2Excellent
The Merchant's AleCanterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew)1Good
The Merchant's StoutCanterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew)1Acceptable
The Miller's Ale (originally 4.5%)Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew)1Acceptable
The Reeve's AleCanterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew)1Good
Everyday PeopleCastle Rock1Good
Captain's GardenChislet1Good
Vicar's RuinChurch End2Excellent
Brewers GoldCrouch Vale1Good
VelveteenDark Revolution1Excellent
BestDownlands (formerly South Downs)3Acceptable

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Hogan Sampling

Here's a summary of what Hogan Sampling has entered onto PubsandBeer.