
History: Home > Schlössle Brauerei & Gasthaus

Schlössle Brauerei & Gasthaus (Brewery Tap)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Schlüssel Brauerei - Schlüssel Mai-Doppel-BockAcceptable1
Schlüssel Brauerei - Schlüssel ZwickelGood1
Picture 1. Schlössle Brauerei & Gasthaus, Neu-Ulm, Germany
Picture 2. Schlössle Brauerei & Gasthaus, Neu-Ulm, Germany

Visits Details

20 May 2012 (Stephen Harris)
This brewery and tap is a short walk from our previous stop, Barfüsser. The extensive inside rooms were deserted and everyone was in the large and shady beer garden, where we sat until it was time to dash off for our late train back to Memmingen.
Schlüssel Brauerei - Schlüssel Zwickel4.80GoodA yellow-coloured, very slightly hazy, smooth and easy-drinking beer.
Schlüssel Brauerei - Schlüssel Mai-Doppel-Bock6.00AcceptableI could not find the strength of this seasonal beer, and 6.0% is a guess. It is a deep, ruby-red colour, sweetish and strong. The taste is dominated by a burnt toffee/caramel flavour, like the coating on a toffee apple. Dry finish. Not much to my liking I’m afraid.

About the Schlössle Brauerei & Gasthaus

The pub sign. Schlössle Brauerei & Gasthaus, Neu-Ulm, Germany

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Neu-Ulm, Germany, 89231.

Brewery and tap, established in 1673. Once in the village of Offenhausen, this is now absorbed into Neu-Ulm and the brewery is tucked away in a suburban location, 20 minutes walk from the town centre. The brewery is pretty substantial for a one-pub operation, but I believe it also enjoys a good take-home trade. The pub boasts Napoleon as a former customer, well, he is said to have popped in on October 14 1805. There are several inside bars and dining rooms, plus a big beer garden.

We have visited this pub once, seen 2 different beers and tried both.

Map location

Postcode: 89231