
History: Home > The Rambler

The Rambler

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Chimay - BlueExcellent1
Picture 1. The Rambler, Ghent, Belgium
Picture 2. The Rambler, Ghent, Belgium

Visits Details

06 Oct 2013 (Stephen Harris)
This was not a carefully planned visit to a recommended bar with a great Belgian beer list. It was just the most convenient place between our hotel and the tram interchange. Nice to be sitting outside enjoying the evening sunshine in the second week of October.
Chimay - Blue9.00ExcellentServed from a bottle. I am amongst those who believe that this beer is no longer the exceptional, classic beer it once was. This bottle was of the 2013 vintage, so still pretty fresh. It is still a wonderfully rich, strong, brown beer in the Abbey Dubbel style.

About The Rambler

The pub sign. The Rambler, Ghent, Belgium

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Ghent, Belgium, 9000.

One of a line of restaurant/bars facing on to the large square outside Gent St Pieters railway station. Has a goodly number of outside tables for when the weather is favourable.

We have visited this pub once, seen 1 beer and tried it.

Map location

Postcode: 9000