
History: Home > Emelisse Bierbrouwerij

Emelisse Bierbrouwerij (Brew Pub)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Emelisse - Espresso StoutExceptional1
Emelisse - Winterbier 2015 (Engelse Drop)Exceptional1
Emelisse - Earl Grey IPAExcellent1
Emelisse - Black IPAExcellent2
Emelisse - Winterbier 2014Excellent1
Emelisse - TIPA (Triple IPA)Excellent1
Emelisse - DIPAExcellent1
Emelisse - Imperial Russian StoutExcellent3
Emelisse - Smoked RyeExcellent1
Emelisse - SaisonGood1
Emelisse - WitbierGood1
Picture 1. Emelisse Bierbrouwerij, Kamperland, Netherlands
Picture 2. Emelisse Bierbrouwerij, Kamperland, Netherlands
Picture 3. Emelisse Bierbrouwerij, Kamperland, Netherlands

Visits Details

25 Dec 2016 (ChrisE)
Busy with custom for the Christmas Day Buffet Lunch with beers included. This year you could just go to the bar and get whatever you wanted with no apparent limits. Not bad for€35. I have mislaid my notes so have not listed all the beers.
Emelisse - Imperial Russian Stout11.00Excellent
Emelisse - Black IPA8.00Excellent
25 Dec 2015 (ChrisE)
My first visit here, we had a superb buffet dinner combined with a fantastic welcome and some wonderful beers, plus a quick tour of the brewery. The first of two brewery visits today.
Emelisse - Winterbier 2015 (Engelse Drop)9.50ExceptionalA superb beer with the taste of liquorice. A good start to the day.
Emelisse - Espresso Stout10.00ExceptionalSuperb.
Emelisse - Imperial Russian Stout11.00ExcellentI think our bottles said 12% abv.
Emelisse - Smoked Rye6.20Excellent
Emelisse - Black IPA8.00Excellent
Emelisse - TIPA (Triple IPA)10.00Excellent
25 Dec 2014 (Stephen Harris)
Fabulous Christmas Day buffet lunch and beer tasting that will live long in the memory. Although I have found my beer ratings from the day, tasting notes are lost and I'm relying on memory.
Emelisse - Imperial Russian Stout11.00ExcellentBlack, roasty and very dry.
Emelisse - Earl Grey IPA6.70ExcellentVery fine, hoppy beer with distinct Earl Grey tea taste.
Emelisse - Winterbier 20149.20ExcellentThis was odd indeed. Murky brown, with (I thought) a purple tinge. Sweet and fruity - we were thinking dark fruits, maybe plums or damsons in the brew. But the ingredients list has no fruit, but does have marshmallow. As I said, odd.
Emelisse - DIPA7.90ExcellentA fearsome Double IPA.
Emelisse - Saison4.60Good
Emelisse - Witbier5.00Good

About the Emelisse Bierbrouwerij

The pub sign. Emelisse Bierbrouwerij, Kamperland, Netherlands

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Kamperland, Netherlands, 4493 PA.

A large bar, restaurant and brewery complex in out-of-the-way Kamperland. The brewery has a first-rate reputation, and this is the place to drink its beers on home territory.

We have visited this pub 3 times, seen 11 different beers and tried them all.

Map location

Postcode: 4493 PA