
History: Home > Panacam Lodge

Panacam Lodge

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Cervecería Hondureña - Salva VidaAcceptable1

Visits Details

19 Jan 2015 (Stephen Harris)
We spent two very pleasant nights at this lodge, whilst hiking in the forest and in the nearby farmland down to scenic Lake Yojoa.
Cervecería Hondureña - Salva Vida4.80AcceptableFrom a bottle. This seems to be the most popular beer in Honduras, but appears to have little to recommend it. Golden in colour. Cereal taste. Palatable enough I guess, if rather bland.

About the Panacam Lodge

The pub sign. Panacam Lodge, Santa Elena, Honduras

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Santa Elena, Honduras.

A comfortable lodge with accommodation, bar and restaurant. Situated within Cerro Azul National Park and surrounded by primary rainforest. Clientele pretty much exclusively tourists, although it is close to the village of Santa Elena. Operated with assistance from the Honduras army.

We have visited this pub once, seen 1 beer and tried it.

Map location