
History: Home > The Stag

The Stag (McMullen)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
McMullen (sometimes latterly brand badged as Rivertown or Whole Hop) - Jolly Roger (branded as Whole Hop)Undrinkable1
McMullen (sometimes latterly brand badged as Rivertown or Whole Hop) - Country Best BitterUndrinkable1
Picture 1. The Stag, Chorleywood, Hertfordshire
Picture 2. The Stag, Chorleywood, Hertfordshire

Visits Details

24 Sep 2019 (Magnus Greel)
Early afternoon, fairly quiet just a couple of others in. Not an advocate of McMullens beers I suggested tasters which the barmaid was happy to administer which turned out to our advantage. Seeing our reaction she recommended the Land Of Liberty for better quality ales!
McMullen (sometimes latterly brand badged as Rivertown or Whole Hop) - Country Best Bitter4.30UndrinkableVile
McMullen (sometimes latterly brand badged as Rivertown or Whole Hop) - Jolly Roger (branded as Whole Hop)3.80UndrinkableVile

About The Stag

The pub sign. The Stag, Chorleywood, Hertfordshire

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Chorleywood, Hertfordshire, WD3 5BT.

In Long Lane, pub with separate restaurant.

We have visited this pub once, seen 2 different beers and tried both.

Map location

Postcode: WD3 5BT