History: Home > Phantom Winger
Beer (sort) | Average Score (sort) | No. Samples (sort) |
Thwaites - Wainwright (please now use the Banks's entry) | 1 |
Beer | ABV | Score | Notes |
Thwaites - Wainwright (please now use the Banks's entry) | 4.10 |
Total | |
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1 | |
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The pub is found in Broughton, Lancashire, PR3 5JE.
One of Spirit Pub Company's Fayre and Square branded pubs, it caters for families going out for a meal with their two meals for £10 offer being very popular. The pub boasts an adjacent Wacky Warehouse in which children can enjoy themselves.
We have visited this pub once, seen 1 beer and tried it.
Postcode: PR3 5JE