
History: Home > Turner's Old Star

Turner's Old Star (Free House)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Bombardier (was Bombardier Glorious English) (use Eagle entry now please)Acceptable1
Picture 1. Turner's Old Star, Wapping, Greater London
Picture 2. Turner's Old Star, Wapping, Greater London
Stephen Harris

Visits Details

12 May 2016 (Stephen Harris)
Very quiet in the mid-evening, with a few people playing pool and a beer range limited to one.
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Bombardier (was Bombardier Glorious English) (use Eagle entry now please)4.10AcceptableA little warm. Mellow and malty.

About the Turner's Old Star

The pub sign. Turner's Old Star, Wapping, Greater London

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Wapping, Greater London, E1W 2QG.

Established by 1841 as the Old Star. The official story goes that this pub was first owned by painter JMW Turner and run by one of his many mistresses – Sophia Booth. However, the records show that the landlady at the time was one Mary Brierley. Some say that the story is correct, but that the pub was the nearby (and now lost) Ship & Bladebone. A former Ind Coope house, it retains ‘Taylor Walker’ branding from the late 1970s / early 1980s resurrection of that name, but is not part of the current Taylor Walker chain. Today it is a single bar, open-plan, street corner pub, with most of the fittings dating from a 1987 make-over. It was renamed Turner's Old Star at that time. Very much a community local. Sold by Punch Taverns to a developer in 2014.

We have visited this pub once, seen 1 beer and tried it.

Map location

Postcode: E1W 2QG