
History: Home > Deviant & Dandy Brewery

Deviant & Dandy Brewery (Brewery Tap)

We believe this pub is CLOSED

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Deviant & Dandy - CCCPExcellent1
Deviant & Dandy - It’s Getting’ Hop in HereGood1
Deviant & Dandy - Dude, Looks Like a Hazy v.2Acceptable1
Deviant & Dandy - Loca LolaAcceptable1
Picture 1. Deviant & Dandy Brewery, Hackney, Greater London
Picture 2. Deviant & Dandy Brewery, Hackney, Greater London
Stephen Harris

Visits Details

29 Feb 2020 (Stephen Harris)
Busy, with live music in one arch and loud recorded music in the other. All doors are open and it is very cold.
Deviant & Dandy - Loca Lola5.00AcceptableFrom key-keg. Essentially, this is a sour cherry cola. I don't like cherry cola when it is not sour, and I'm struggling to be positive about this one.
14 Jun 2019 (Stephen Harris)
This taproom always seems to be closed when I am passing. But not tonight, so I pop in for a quick one.
Deviant & Dandy - Dude, Looks Like a Hazy v.25.60AcceptableKeg dispense. Hazy gold. Dry.
31 Mar 2018 (Stephen Harris)
I was actually looking for the new Maregade Brewery premises but stumbled across the D&D Taproom. It was open, although empty, so in I went. I was surprised to find the brewery is run by somebody I know from his earlier involvement at Beavertown / Duke’s. As well as the two key-keg beers listed I was also treated to a few samples of conditioning beers.
Deviant & Dandy - CCCP4.60ExcellentCCCP stands for Crazy Chocolate Chartreuse Porter, and that pretty well describes this spicy, dark beer.
Deviant & Dandy - It’s Getting’ Hop in Here5.90GoodHazy gold, quite fierce. Very bitter.

About the Deviant & Dandy Brewery

The pub sign. Deviant & Dandy Brewery, Hackney, Greater London

Summary of Beer Scores


The pub is found in Hackney, Greater London, E9 6PB.

A micro-brewery established in 2017 in a railway arch close to Hackney Central in Nursery Road. A taproom area has been developed for weekend opening and an extensive outdoor seating area is also being developed for the summer months. Closed 2024.

We have visited this pub 3 times, seen 4 different beers and tried them all.

Map location

Postcode: E9 6PB