
History: Home > Chickenstock

Chickenstock (Music Festival)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - The Friar's AleGood1
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - The Merchant's AleNot Tried0
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - The Miller's Ale (originally 4.5%)Not Tried0

Visits Details

03 Aug 2024 (Jack William)
3rd day of a 4-day music festival. Four real ales on from Canterbury including a Festival pale ale at 3.6%. All ales £6 a pint.
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - The Friar's Ale4.30GoodGood condition and flavour but a little hazy.
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - The Merchant's Ale4.00Not Tried
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - The Miller's Ale (originally 4.5%)4.20Not Tried

About the Chickenstock

Summary of Beer Scores


The pub is found in Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 7RL.

Beer tent with real ale at music festival in Stockbury.

We have visited this pub once, seen 3 different beers and tried 1 of them.

Map location

Postcode: ME9 7RL