
History: Home > Offbeat

Offbeat Beers


BeerABV (%)Seen (Tried)Ave. Score
Bohemian Antipodean4.30 2 (1)Good
Crazy Christmas4.20 2 (2)Acceptable
Disfunctional functional IPA4.80 2 (1)Good
Grateful Deaf6.50 2 (1)Excellent
Kooky Gold4.10 7 (4)Good
Oddball Red4.80 15 (9)Good
Off Kilter Porter4.30 4 (4)Excellent
Off The Rails4.30 1 (1)Excellent
Out of Step IPA5.80 11 (7)Excellent
Outlandish Pale3.90 13 (7)Good
Project Venus - Venus Ella4.40 1 (1)Good
Quirky Kiwi NZ Pale4.60 2 (2)Good
Topsy Belgian IPA5.60 2 (1)Excellent
Turvy Black IPA6.50 1 (1)Excellent
Unhinged Ginger4.50 4 (3)Good
Wacky Winter Warmer4.50 2 (2)Excellent
Weird Whisky Mac6.10 1 (0)Not Tried
Wild Blackberry Mild3.80 5 (3)Good


Here is a list of all the Offbeat beers we have seen. Click on a beer to see its summary along with the pubs it has been seen in.