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Brew Wharf Heirloom-AK

PubAddressLast Visit Seen
Brew WharfSouthwark, Central London05 Mar 2012

Tasting Summary

These comments are the opinion of the individual reviewer and represent what they thought of the beer on a particular day in a particular pub. If a review is less favourable, it may be because the beer suffered somewhere in the supply chain between them and the brewery.

Brew Wharf, Southwark, Central London

Stephen HarrisGood05 Mar 2012 Based (very loosely I think) on a 1930s Whitbread recipe. Described as a light mild – smooth malt with very bitter hop overlay from Northern Brewer and EKG.
Martin the MildmanAcceptable14 Feb 2012 Brewed to a 1930s Whitbread light mild recipe but increased in strength and hop content. It reminds me of regional brews such as McMullens AK, M&B Brew XI, Bass 5 Star etc with that bready malt and appley fruit taste. Not particularly mild or pleasant. My score 14/20.

Brew Wharf Heirloom-AK

4.40% ABV.

We have tried this beer twice.

We have given this beer an average score of Acceptable to Good.

Other Brew Wharf beers.