
History: Home > Hydes

Hydes Beers


BeerABV (%)Seen (Tried)Ave. Score
1863 Classic Bitter3.50 9 (6)Good
Amazing Grace4.10 1 (0)Not Tried
Atomic4.90 2 (2)Good
Bells & Whistles4.10 2 (1)Acceptable
Berry Good Ale4.50 1 (0)Not Tried
Best Bitter3.70 5 (3)Good
Boddingtons Cask4.10 6 (4)Excellent
Bright Spark4.80 1 (0)Not Tried
Burnt Sienna5.00 3 (2)Good
Cape Crusade4.20 1 (1)Excellent
Celebration4.00 2 (2)Good
Dark Mild3.50 3 (2)Acceptable
Doctor's Orders4.40 1 (0)Not Tried
Finders Keepers4.70 2 (0)Not Tried
Finest4.70 4 (0)Not Tried
First Frost3.80 4 (1)Good
Four Candles5.00 1 (1)Excellent
Frayed Knot4.00 1 (1)Excellent
Free Spirit4.80 1 (1)Acceptable
Friendship4.50 1 (1)Acceptable
Golden Find4.10 5 (4)Excellent
Heads & Tails4.60 1 (1)Acceptable
Heavenly Draught4.20 1 (1)Acceptable
High and Dry4.90 3 (3)Good
Hits The Spot4.10 2 (2)Excellent
Hopster3.80 1 (1)Excellent
HPA4.50 4 (0)Not Tried
Hubble Bubble4.40 1 (1)Good
Inspiration4.50 1 (1)Good
Insulation5.00 1 (1)Acceptable
Jekyll's Gold4.30 12 (6)Good
Jumpin' Jack4.70 1 (1)Good
Loose Cannon4.00 4 (2)Good
Lowry4.50 2 (1)Excellent
Lowry4.70 1 (1)Good
München5.00 3 (3)Good
Manchester's Finest4.50 4 (1)Excellent
Manchester's Finest (superseded by 4.5% version)4.70 4 (3)Good
Mumbo Jumbo4.90 6 (2)Good
Nursery Nectar6.50 1 (1)Excellent
O'Finnegan's Irish Style Cask Stout4.10 1 (0)Not Tried
Old Indie3.50 3 (0)Not Tried
Original Bitter3.80 35 (21)Good
Over a Barrel4.10 7 (6)Good
Owd Bill4.50 1 (1)Acceptable
Owd Oak3.50 17 (7)Good
Plum Treat4.00 3 (2)Good
Quays Gold3.90 1 (1)Good
Racey Rudolph4.00 6 (4)Acceptable
Request4.00 1 (0)Not Tried
Ringmaster4.40 2 (2)Good
Rising Sun4.20 1 (1)Good
Rockin' Robin4.60 2 (2)Good
Ruby Celebration Ale4.00 1 (0)Not Tried
Ship Shape4.20 1 (1)Acceptable
Spin Doctor4.20 1 (1)Good
Splash & Dash4.40 1 (1)Acceptable
St George's Bitter4.30 2 (1)Acceptable
Summertime4.10 2 (0)Not Tried
Thirst Aid4.30 1 (1)Acceptable
Tightrope4.30 2 (2)Excellent
Traditional Mild3.50 3 (3)Good
Triple Crown4.00 1 (0)Not Tried
Trojan Horse4.20 2 (2)Good
Vertigo4.20 1 (1)Acceptable
Winter Fuggle5.00 1 (1)Excellent
Winter Fuggle4.20 2 (2)Acceptable
Your Bard4.10 1 (1)Good
Yule Be Back4.60 6 (2)Good


Here is a list of all the Hydes beers we have seen. Click on a beer to see its summary along with the pubs it has been seen in.