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Hop Fuzz Beers


BeerABV (%)Seen (Tried)Ave. Score
1914 Lest We Forget4.50 8 (5)Good
Adhoption4.20 4 (4)Good
Advent4.20 2 (2)Good
American4.20 8 (5)Good
Anniv3rsary4.20 1 (0)Not Tried
APA American Pale Ale4.00 6 (5)Excellent
Best Bitter4.10 2 (0)Not Tried
Black Udder4.50 3 (2)Excellent
Blacksmith4.20 11 (3)Excellent
Boubourn5.00 2 (0)Not Tried
Bullion Bomb5.00 34 (14)Excellent
Bullion Pale5.00 1 (0)Not Tried
Chocolatier4.20 8 (7)Good
Driftwood4.20 2 (2)Good
English4.00 46 (21)Good
English Bitter4.00 2 (0)Not Tried
Fallout3.60 34 (15)Excellent
Garden of England3.70 1 (1)Good
Gardener4.00 4 (2)Excellent
Goldsmith4.00 35 (12)Good
Green Bullion5.00 1 (1)Excellent
Green Zinger (Bramling Cross)3.70 1 (0)Not Tried
Greenstar4.20 1 (0)Not Tried
Honey Bomb5.00 1 (0)Not Tried
Hop Buzz Hythe Green Hop Beer4.00 2 (1)Good
Hoppy Blonde5.20 1 (1)Excellent
Hoppy Bomb5.00 5 (5)Good
Hoppy Easter4.20 1 (1)Good
Hoppy New Year4.20 1 (0)Not Tried
Hoppy New Year 20143.70 2 (1)Acceptable
Hopstar4.00 1 (1)Excellent
Liberator4.60 3 (1)Good
Martello4.50 3 (2)Excellent
Martello (superseded by 4.4% then 4.5% versions)3.80 69 (30)Good
Martello (superseded by 4.5% version)4.40 9 (5)Excellent
Northern Star4.40 9 (2)Excellent
Old American Pale4.20 19 (12)Good
Pacific Jade4.20 5 (2)Excellent
Red & Green3.80 3 (1)Excellent
Red Zinger4.00 1 (1)Excellent
Small Batch No. 3 Best Bitter4.00 3 (2)Excellent
Stannos Bavarian5.00 3 (2)Excellent
Steam Beer4.40 4 (3)Acceptable
Supergrass (house beer)3.80 1 (0)Not Tried
The American4.00 14 (11)Excellent
The English4.00 26 (19)Good
Tomahawk5.00 4 (2)Good
Triumph4.80 7 (3)Good
Veteran4.20 13 (8)Good
Yellow Zinger3.70 21 (9)Good
Yellow Zinger (superseded by 3.7% version)4.00 8 (3)Good

Hop Fuzz

Here is a list of all the Hop Fuzz beers we have seen. Click on a beer to see its summary along with the pubs it has been seen in.