
History: Home > Brewster's

Brewster's Beers


BeerABV (%)Seen (Tried)Ave. Score
All The Leaves Are Brown4.80 1 (1)Acceptable
American Chopper4.80 4 (3)Good
Andromeda4.80 11 (7)Good
Aromantica4.20 16 (8)Good
Aromatic Porter4.50 16 (9)Excellent
Belle du Jour4.80 1 (1)Good
Belle Star4.80 1 (1)Acceptable
Bellydancer5.20 2 (1)Excellent
Brewer's Dozen5.50 7 (5)Good
Britannia's Brew5.00 3 (3)Good
Calamity Jane4.80 9 (4)Excellent
Celeste3.80 6 (2)Good
Charnsters Gold (collaboration with Charnwood)3.80 2 (2)Good
Cheval Mort4.00 6 (6)Excellent
Chocolate Cyn4.80 1 (1)Excellent
Daffy Elixir4.20 2 (2)Acceptable
Decadence4.40 28 (13)Excellent
Dost Thou Jest4.00 1 (1)Poor
Emma Hornett4.80 1 (1)Acceptable
Et Citra Et Citra4.00 5 (4)Good
Geisha4.80 2 (1)Poor
Helles Belles4.00 1 (1)Good
Hop a Doodle Doo4.30 30 (14)Good
Hop Quest5.20 1 (1)Good
Hophead3.60 43 (19)Excellent
Hopticale Illusion4.00 10 (3)Good
Ice Queen4.80 8 (6)Excellent
India Pale Ale6.00 1 (1)Acceptable
IPA6.00 1 (0)Not Tried
Krafty Kiwi4.00 2 (0)Not Tried
Lady McBeth4.80 1 (1)Exceptional
Locopotion4.30 1 (1)Good
Lydia4.80 1 (1)Excellent
Marquis Bitter3.80 24 (10)Good
Moll Cutpurse4.80 1 (0)Not Tried
Music Hall3.90 4 (2)Excellent
Outstanding In Their Field4.80 1 (0)Not Tried
Pandora4.80 10 (6)Good
Pankhurst4.80 2 (2)Excellent
Pomba Gira4.80 1 (0)Not Tried
Porter5.50 4 (2)Exceptional
Rasp-Beer-Rye Bear-Et4.80 1 (0)Not Tried
Red Hop Lover4.00 3 (3)Good
Roll in the Hay4.00 1 (0)Not Tried
Rundlebeck5.50 1 (0)Not Tried
Rutterkin5.00 1 (1)Excellent
Rutterkin (superseded by 5% version)4.60 16 (7)Acceptable
Salome4.80 1 (1)Acceptable
Sarah Guppy4.80 1 (1)Good
Seven Heaven4.70 2 (1)Good
Stilton Porter5.00 18 (10)Excellent
Try,Try,Try Again4.00 1 (1)Excellent
Up to Summit4.00 1 (1)Excellent
Verago5.80 1 (1)Excellent
WAGS4.80 1 (0)Not Tried
Wenceslas4.00 1 (0)Not Tried
Wow! Women!4.80 3 (1)Good
Yule Do4.30 1 (1)Good
Yvette4.80 1 (1)Good


Here is a list of all the Brewster's beers we have seen. Click on a beer to see its summary along with the pubs it has been seen in.