
History: Home > The Sir John Borlase Warren

The Sir John Borlase Warren (Everards)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Black Dragon MildExcellent1
Brown Ales - GladiatorAcceptable1
Burton Bridge - Moorish MildGood1
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - TigerAcceptable1
Wadworth - Lily the PinkExcellent1
Abbeydale - DeceptionNot Tried0
Brown Ales - The HustlerNot Tried0
Marston's - BassNot Tried0
Newby Wyke - BanquoNot Tried0
Nottingham - EPANot Tried0
Oakham - JHBNot Tried0
Oldershaw - Blonde VoluptaNot Tried0
Titanic - Plum PorterNot Tried0
Picture 1. The Sir John Borlase Warren, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
Picture 2. The Sir John Borlase Warren, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Visits Details

21 Feb 2015 (Andrew)
My first time here. Nice pub situated in Canning Circus. We sat at the front in a sunken room. It was very pleasant.
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - Tiger4.20Acceptable
Brown Ales - Gladiator4.20AcceptableBit of malt and medicine.
Oakham - JHB3.80Not Tried
Marston's - Bass4.40Not Tried
Abbeydale - Deception4.10Not Tried
Oldershaw - Blonde Volupta5.00Not Tried
Titanic - Plum Porter4.90Not Tried
Newby Wyke - Banquo3.80Not Tried
Nottingham - EPA4.20Not Tried
Brown Ales - The Hustler3.80Not Tried
04 Jun 2012 (Martin the Mildman)
Fairly quiet on a Bank Holiday Monday afternoon.
Burton Bridge - Moorish Mild3.90GoodRed/brown mild with a dryish malty character, low hop rate and a hint of dried fruit in the finish. My score 15/20.
07 May 2012 (Martin the Mildman)
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Black Dragon Mild4.30ExcellentSweet, smooth and malty with a fruity finish. My score 16/20.
22 May 2010 (Martin the Mildman)
Called in here on the Nottingham mild trail but mild temporarily unvailable on this day.
Wadworth - Lily the Pink4.00ExcellentVery pale interesting and flavoursome beer. Good bitter hop character balanced by sweetish biscuity malt. Pleasant lingering finish. My score 17/20.

About The Sir John Borlase Warren

The pub sign. The Sir John Borlase Warren, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 3GD.

Recently refurbished to give a light and airy feel. Separate drinking areas off the main bar area. Everards and guest beers available. Closed and then re-opened in February 2014 as a Project William pub in association with Brown Ales.

We have visited this pub 4 times, seen 13 different beers and tried 5 of them.

Map location

Postcode: NG7 3GD