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Curious Brewery (Curious Brewery)

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Curious Brewery - Dubble TrubbleExcellent2
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - West Coast IPAExcellent2
Curious Brewery - Green HopGood1
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious IPA (keg)Good3
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious Brew (keg)Good2
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious Brew BrutGood1
Picture 1. Curious Brewery, Ashford, Kent
Picture 2. Curious Brewery, Ashford, Kent
Chris Excell

Visits Details

20 Jul 2022 (ChrisE)
Wednesday lunchtime and fairly quiet. The air conditioning was most welcome. No cask ale on today which was a disappointment but no great surprise. We chose the fish and chips as a main course and I had a pint of the Session IPA.
18 Feb 2022 (Magnus Greel)
Mid evening a few groups dotted about enjoying the calm relaxed atmosphere, always a pleasure to experience despite the high prices is worth every penny to me as it attracts a different kind of clientele...
Curious Brewery - Dubble Trubble6.80ExcellentI raise my glass in honour of 'Dubbel', a former contributor to this site.
16 Feb 2022 (ChrisE)
Wednesday afternoon, a fair number of the drinking tables occupied.
Curious Brewery - Dubble Trubble6.80ExcellentOn handpump. Dark in colour, strong and tasty. A good attempt at brewing a Belgian style Dubbel.
30 Dec 2021 (ChrisE)
I was surprised to see that a handpump has been installed on the bar here, apparently it has been in use for about a month.
Curious Brewery - Green Hop4.80GoodNice to cask beer on sale here.
19 Sep 2020 (ChrisE)
I had originally planned to meet Magnus in here the previous evening but somebody had told him that the pub was closed and he cancelled the trip. How wrong can you get? This was my first visit since the COVID lockdown as it has only recently reopened. There is only one entry/exit which is via an external staircase with instructions to keep left. The lift is only available to those that really need it. Once you enter you are shown to an eating or drinking table where you complete your track and trace details and your order is taken. Table service only and card payments very much preferred. I was allocated a six seater drinking table for my own use and could have stayed for as long as I wished. It was nice to see this almost full to its COVID capacity. Service was very good and friendly and the food that I saw looked very appetising. No cask ale but I happily supped a couple of pints of Curious Porter.
28 Feb 2020 (Philip Pirrip)
Late afternoon brewery tour with some free samples. All keg beers so ineligible for being included and marked on this site. The brewery is an amazingly modern operation on a new build site - not cheap to set up!
25 Jul 2019 (ChrisE)
I had just alighted from a train at the nearby station and was delighted that my trains today had all run exactly to time, contrary to the dire warnings in the media. It was hot and humid so I took refuge in this air conditioned bar, the staff welcomed me as if I was a regular. I had a look through the viewing window and things are certainly happening in the brewery. I treated myself to one of the keg beers and then moved on to the town centre.
25 Jul 2019 (Jack William)
2:30 for a brewery tour. This is an impressive new set-up. We witnessed the first barrels of Curious Brew brewed here being loaded for delivery. The beers are now badged as being produced by “Curious Brewing” (rather than Chapel Down Winery) and are exclusively brewed on-site in Ashford. A very spacious upstairs bar and restaurant- with some interesting and reasonably priced bar snacks. All beers are bottled or keg.
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - West Coast IPA7.30ExcellentDeliciously complex. You don’t get to sample this one on the tour - you have to buy it. Very good.
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious IPA (keg)5.60Good
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious Brew (keg)4.70GoodTheir mainstay beer - pleasant enough.
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious Brew Brut5.00GoodI’m confused - this tasted quite sweet to me.
24 Jul 2019 (Magnus Greel)
Mid evening until close, we sat outside on a muggy evening and got the lastest brewery updates from the barman on his delayed glass collecting duties.
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious IPA (keg)5.60GoodRefreshing and zesty
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious Brew (keg)4.70Not Tried
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - West Coast IPA7.30Not Tried
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious Brew Brut5.00Not Tried
02 Jul 2019 (Magnus Greel)
Early evening and busy we joined a group of us celebrating a friend's birthday. My first visit and was impressed. Knowledgeable and keen staff happy to provide tasters as requested.
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious IPA (keg)5.60GoodFruity with a bitter sweet kick
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious Brew (keg)4.70GoodDry fruity hoppy session ale
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - West Coast IPA7.30GoodTaster revealed this to be dangerously drinkable
Curious (formerly Chapel Down Winery) - Curious Brew Brut5.00Not Tried

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About the Curious Brewery

The pub sign. Curious Brewery, Ashford, Kent

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Ashford, Kent, TN23 7HQ.

Brand new large scale brewery with bar and restaurant in Victoria Road. Curious beers were originally sourced from elsewhere but are now all brewed here. Beers are in tank, keg or bottle. Some of the beer available comes directly from conditioning tanks.

We have visited this pub 11 times, seen 6 different beers and tried them all.

Map location

Postcode: TN23 7HQ