
History: Home > The Cluny

The Cluny (Camerons)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Northumberland - Pit PoneyGood1
Hill Island - Dun Cow BitterNot Tried0
Durham - Bonny LassNot Tried0
Wear Valley - Tindale TippleNot Tried0
Archers - That'll DoNot Tried0
Picture 1. The Cluny, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear

Visits Details

23 Feb 2007 (Andrew)
As the man on Shield's road said, "It's a canny way like". Lime Street is a bit of a trek to find but well worth it. Outside, the area was deserted but the pub was full.
Northumberland - Pit Poney3.80GoodBrown bitter. Some dark berry fruit. Rich but not cloying malt.
Hill Island - Dun Cow Bitter4.00Not Tried
Durham - Bonny Lass3.90Not Tried
Wear Valley - Tindale Tipple4.00Not Tried
Archers - That'll Do3.80Not Tried

About The Cluny

The pub sign. The Cluny, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE1 2PQ.

Found in an old industrial building, the pub occupies multiple levels and meanders around the building. The interior has an art student feel to it with a big train set sitting to the side of the bar. Owned by Head of Steam Group until subsequently purchased by Camerons Brewery in December 2013.

We have visited this pub once, seen 5 different beers and tried 1 of them.

Map location

Postcode: NE1 2PQ