
History: Home > The Hinds Head

The Hinds Head (Free House)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Rebellion - Roasted NutsGood1
Rebellion - IPA (was 3.7%)Poor1
Timothy Taylor - LandlordNot Tried0

Visits Details

05 Dec 2009 (James T)
This is owned by Heston Blumenthal. His famous restaurant The Fat Cat is next door, and the food in both places quite amazing. There are 4 hand pumps on, and a wide variety of wines and whiskeys. Plenty of seating but if you want to eat in the pub restaurant upstairs you need to book up about 2 months in advance for Fri / Sat evenings! Well worth the wait though! Little but suprised that given the passion for good food and wine in this place that the beer selection was so boring and un-inspiring. They should do some more bottle beers perhaps, and try some more interesting beers in the pub on pumps. Some food beer matching would also work so well in there.
Rebellion - Roasted Nuts4.60GoodThis was much better than the IPA. Good temp, not tired, plenty of chocco malts, interesting hop flavours, and pleasant lasting roasted finish in the mouth. Very sessionable.
Rebellion - IPA (was 3.7%)3.40PoorThin, almost non-existent head. This was tired, perhaps the end of a slow selling barrel?
Timothy Taylor - Landlord4.30Not Tried

About The Hinds Head

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Bray, Berkshire, SL6 2AB.

Owned by Heston Blumenthal. This has the most incredible food menu in the world, alongside a wide wine selection, and 4 hand pumps, with a fair selection of whisky. Heston's restaurant The Fat Duck is adjacent.

We have visited this pub once, seen 3 different beers and tried 2 of them.

Map location

Postcode: SL6 2AB