
History: Home > The Elm Tree

The Elm Tree (Charles Wells)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Shefford Dark MildExcellent1
Great Orme - Welsh BlackGood1
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Golden FoxGood1
Great Newsome - Sleck DustGood1
Grafton - Sir BorsAcceptable1
North Yorkshire - Prior's AleAcceptable1
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Courage Directors (use Banks's entry now please)Not Tried0
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Crooked HookerNot Tried0
Banks's - Young's London Original (was Bitter) - previously brewed in Bedford and at WychwoodNot Tried0
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Wells Eagle IPANot Tried0
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - ElixirNot Tried0
Wall's - Northallerton Dark AleNot Tried0
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Edwin Taylor's Extra StoutNot Tried0
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Young's London Special (was Special)Not Tried0
Otley - OxymoronNot Tried0
Colchester - Brazilian Coffee & Vanilla PorterNot Tried0
White Park - White GoldNot Tried0
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Bombardier (was Bombardier Glorious English) (use Eagle entry now please)Not Tried0
XT Brewing - No. 4 Mellow AmberNot Tried0
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Wells Bombardier Burning Gold (use Eagle entry now please)Not Tried0
Picture 1. The Elm Tree, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Picture 2. The Elm Tree, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Visits Details

12 Sep 2015 (Stephen Harris)
A brief early evening visit when I found that I had arrived at a different pub to the one where my friends had gathered.
Grafton - Sir Bors4.50AcceptableA rather ordinary, sweetish, golden Bitter.
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Edwin Taylor's Extra Stout4.50Not Tried
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Wells Eagle IPA3.60Not Tried
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Bombardier (was Bombardier Glorious English) (use Eagle entry now please)4.10Not Tried
XT Brewing - No. 4 Mellow Amber3.80Not Tried
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Wells Bombardier Burning Gold (use Eagle entry now please)4.10Not Tried
04 Dec 2014 (HSB)
17:00 Busy around the bar. Very friendly atmosphere.
Great Orme - Welsh Black4.00GoodFar too sweet for me.
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Courage Directors (use Banks's entry now please)4.80Not Tried
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Edwin Taylor's Extra Stout4.50Not Tried
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Golden Fox4.10Not Tried
Banks's - Young's London Original (was Bitter) - previously brewed in Bedford and at Wychwood3.70Not Tried
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Young's London Special (was Special)4.50Not Tried
Otley - Oxymoron5.50Not Tried
Colchester - Brazilian Coffee & Vanilla Porter4.60Not Tried
White Park - White Gold3.80Not Tried
21 Mar 2014 (HSB)
14:00 Our group of eight took over one end. Topics of conversation with the bar man and another customer covered Trappist beers, Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart.
Great Newsome - Sleck Dust3.80Good
North Yorkshire - Prior's Ale3.60Acceptable
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Courage Directors (use Banks's entry now please)4.80Not Tried
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Crooked Hooker4.70Not Tried
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Shefford Dark Mild3.80Not Tried
Banks's - Young's London Original (was Bitter) - previously brewed in Bedford and at Wychwood3.70Not Tried
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Wells Eagle IPA3.60Not Tried
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - Elixir3.90Not Tried
Wall's - Northallerton Dark Ale4.40Not Tried
24 May 2011 (Martin the Mildman)
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Golden Fox4.10GoodWell balanced golden ale with hop bitterness and biscuity malt. My score 15/20.
25 May 2010 (Martin the Mildman)
Fairly busy with refugees from Cambridge Beer Festival during the afternoon closure.
B&T (Banks & Taylor's) - Shefford Dark Mild3.80ExcellentSweetish and malty black mild with toffee and nutty flavours. My score 16/20.

About The Elm Tree

The pub sign. The Elm Tree, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 1JT.

Back street pub with small front bar area and a longer room to the side. Despite being a Charles Wells badged house, a good guest ale policy prevails here with some interesting beers and local breweries represented.

We have visited this pub 5 times, seen 20 different beers and tried 6 of them.

Map location

Postcode: CB1 1JT