
History: Home > Gasterie Ten Duinen

Gasterie Ten Duinen

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Brouwerij Huyghe - St Idesbald BlondAcceptable1
Brouwerij Huyghe - St Idesbald DubbelAcceptable1
Picture 1. Gasterie Ten Duinen, Koksijde, Belgium

Visits Details

20 Sep 2012 (Stephen Harris)
This is the first call on a five day tour of Belgium seeking to try as wide a range as possible of the ‘Abbey’ beers produced for existing and former Belgian abbeys. The range of five St Idesbald beers are served here in crockery mugs – I list just the two I tried.
Brouwerij Huyghe - St Idesbald Blond6.20AcceptableOn keg dispense. Pale, bordering on orange in colour. On the sweet side.
Brouwerij Huyghe - St Idesbald Dubbel8.00AcceptableServed from a bottle. Dark in colour. Exceptionally sweet and dominated by caramel flavours.

About the Gasterie Ten Duinen

The pub sign. Gasterie Ten Duinen, Koksijde, Belgium

Summary of Beer Scores


The pub is found in Koksijde, Belgium, 8670.

Ten Duinen Abbey is a ruined Cistercian Abbey on the outskirts of Koksijde, near to the Belgian coast. The grounds are open to the public and today are mostly used for educational purposes. The complex includes this cosy little ‘estaminet’-type cafe which has a small, single-roomed bar area. An extensive outside seating area is also available on a patio to the front. This bar is the acknowledged ‘Tap’ for the St Idesbald range of abbey beers produced for the ruined abbey by the Huyghe Brewery.

We have visited this pub once, seen 2 different beers and tried both.

Map location

Postcode: 8670