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Westow House (Portobello Pub Company)

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Arbor Ales - Dunning-KrugerExcellent1
Mad Squirrel (formerly Red Squirrel) - Gone TroppoExcellent1
Gritchie - English LoreExcellent1
Mallinsons - ColumbusExcellent1
Bad Seed - Full TiltExcellent1
Thornbridge / Thornbridge Hall - WoodlandsExcellent1
Beat - RockaExcellent1
Wilde Child - Absolute ImpeachmentExcellent1
Bad Seed - Session I.P.A. Mosaic, Vic Secret, ChinookExcellent1
Harbour - Cornish BitterExcellent1
Ilkley - SpringGood1
Little Critters - Plump PenguinGood2
Great Heck - Washington RedGood1
Volden - SummerGood1
First Chop Brewing Arm - MCR Manchester BitterAcceptable1
Gloucester - Session PalePoor1
Clouded Minds - ScintillaPoor1
Tiny Rebel - JuicyNot Tried0
Pitchfork (a brand of Epic Beers) - PitchforkNot Tried0
Sambrook's - WandleNot Tried0
Oakham - CitraNot Tried0
Ilkley - Mary JaneNot Tried0
Five Points - Railway PorterNot Tried0
Revolutions - GripNot Tried0
Fyne - JarlNot Tried0
Great Heck - Amish MashNot Tried0
Heavy Industry - Forza!Not Tried0
Volden - AutumnNot Tried0
Adnams - Ghost ShipNot Tried0
Volden - WinterNot Tried0
One Mile End Brew Co. (formerly Mulligans at the White Hart and then WH Brew Pub) - Great Tom Mild (or Great Tom Winter Mild)Not Tried0
RedWillow - Tearless IV Cryo-Hopped Small IPA Simcoe MosaicNot Tried0
Volden - Session (or Session Ale)Not Tried0
Sambrook's - Watneys Pale AleNot Tried0
Electric Bear - Werrrd!Not Tried0
Northern Whisper - OppenchopsNot Tried0
Volden - SpringNot Tried0

Visits Details

10 Jun 2019 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit until midnight close. Member of lady bar staff on the stage singing and playing guitar. Temporarily trapped by a deluge of rainfall at the bus stop getting here.
Great Heck - Washington Red4.70Good
Volden - Summer4.20GoodLots of bitterness, little other flavour
Gloucester - Session Pale3.70PoorUnspectacular. Thin gruel, lots of lip bitterness but little else. Rarely impressed by Gloucester
Adnams - Ghost Ship4.50Not Tried
Sambrook's - Watneys Pale Ale4.20Not TriedUsual lack of any indication of true brewing provenance
Northern Whisper - Oppenchops4.00Not TriedIntriguing beer name, I didn't open mine for it
07 Jan 2019 (Philip Pirrip)
Nice quiet evening visit until midnight close.
Harbour - Cornish Bitter4.00ExcellentCrystal clear, lacks bitterness but that is its style
Little Critters - Plump Penguin5.00Excellent2nd out, transformation as cooler and fresher, a lovely winter nightcap
Little Critters - Plump Penguin5.00Acceptable1st out, strong plum and chocolate flavours
Adnams - Ghost Ship4.50Not Tried
Volden - Session (or Session Ale)3.80Not Tried
Volden - Winter5.20Not Tried
RedWillow - Tearless IV Cryo-Hopped Small IPA Simcoe Mosaic3.00Not Tried
27 Dec 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Abortive long journey then visit with an earlier than usual 11pm close. This despite the evening having hardly started, why this assumption post Christmas thirsts do not need normal quenching?
31 Oct 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit until midnight close. Not much Halloweening going on here.
Thornbridge / Thornbridge Hall - Woodlands5.50ExcellentPumpkin ale with an intriguing tip of the tongue bitterness
Wilde Child - Absolute Impeachment5.00ExcellentPeach Milkshake IPA, excellent condition but one was enough
Adnams - Ghost Ship4.50Not Tried
Volden - Session (or Session Ale)3.80Not Tried
Volden - Autumn4.80Not Tried
06 Jul 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit well across midnight until last bus at 1am. Superb band playing so loudly my ribs were vibrating and a top notch rendition of Eminem's The Real Slim Shady to boot!
Mallinsons - Columbus3.80ExcellentRefreshing and top notch, no need to turn to any other ales tonight
Fyne - Jarl3.80Not Tried
Great Heck - Amish Mash4.70Not Tried
Volden - Session (or Session Ale)3.80Not Tried
Volden - Summer4.20Not Tried
Heavy Industry - Forza!4.50Not Tried
14 Jun 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit until midnight close.
Arbor Ales - Dunning-Kruger4.80Excellent3rd excellent beer in a row tonight
Mad Squirrel (formerly Red Squirrel) - Gone Troppo6.00Excellent4th and last excellent beer tonight. A so called Aussie IPA - this was like an alcoholic smoothie, it was so rich in pineapple flavours and murkiness
Five Points - Railway Porter4.80Not Tried
Volden - Session (or Session Ale)3.80Not Tried
Revolutions - Grip3.90Not Tried
Volden - Summer4.20Not Tried
13 Jun 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit until midnight closing.
Bad Seed - Session I.P.A. Mosaic, Vic Secret, Chinook4.00ExcellentI superb nick, totally clear and with delicate orangey flavouring
Sambrook's - Wandle3.80Not Tried
Ilkley - Mary Jane3.50Not Tried
Adnams - Ghost Ship4.50Not Tried
Volden - Session (or Session Ale)3.80Not Tried
Volden - Summer4.20Not Tried
06 Jun 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening until midnight close. Things looking up here with superb beer quality on both pints.
Bad Seed - Full Tilt4.60ExcellentOrange citrus notes with a very bitter after-taste
Beat - Rocka5.30ExcellentA dry hopped APA packed with malt too
Sambrook's - Wandle3.80Not Tried
Oakham - Citra4.20Not Tried
Adnams - Ghost Ship4.50Not Tried
Volden - Session (or Session Ale)3.80Not Tried
Volden - Summer4.20Not Tried
29 May 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit until midnight close. Perhaps post-bank holiday blues made for a low footfall tonight.
Gritchie - English Lore4.00ExcellentNew brewery for me. A rare mid-brown wet dog English bitter
Ilkley - Spring4.00GoodAn oatmeal pale
Adnams - Ghost Ship4.50Not Tried
Volden - Session (or Session Ale)3.80Not Tried
Tiny Rebel - Juicy4.80Not Tried
Pitchfork (a brand of Epic Beers) - Pitchfork4.30Not Tried
Volden - Spring4.50Not Tried
09 May 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit until midnight close. An ugh beer night I am afraid.
First Chop Brewing Arm - MCR Manchester Bitter4.40AcceptableLittle life in this making it a chore
Clouded Minds - Scintilla4.40PoorFirst I thought it was hazy but difficult to see as a dark red ale. As glass emptied I could see sediment in the glass. Too late to send back, cut my losses and gulped it down
Adnams - Ghost Ship4.50Not Tried
One Mile End Brew Co. (formerly Mulligans at the White Hart and then WH Brew Pub) - Great Tom Mild (or Great Tom Winter Mild)3.80Not Tried
Volden - Session (or Session Ale)3.80Not Tried
Electric Bear - Werrrd!4.20Not Tried
Volden - Spring4.50Not Tried

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About the Westow House

The pub sign. Westow House, Crystal Palace, Greater London

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Crystal Palace, Greater London, SE19 1TX.

A large pub in a prominent location at one corner of the ‘Crystal Palace Triangle’. There are two substantial bar areas, furnished in typically relaxed Antic style. 8 handpumps. Holds occasional and themed beer festivals. Lots of pavement seating out the front. 23 boutique bedrooms. Portobello took over from Antic here in 2020.

We have visited this pub 47 times, seen 168 different beers and tried 69 of them.

Map location

Postcode: SE19 1TX