
History: Home > Leicester Beer Festival 2014

Leicester Beer Festival 2014 (CAMRA Beer Festival)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Gasdog - Mustard GasExcellent1
Black Tor - Templars IPAExcellent1
Half Moon - Dark MasqueradeExcellent1
Clarkshaws - Curse of CthulhuExcellent1
New Lion - Pandit IPAGood1
Leazes Lane - Leazes Park LightGood1
Big Hand - ZetaGood1
S43 (formerly Sonnet 43) - Bourbon Milk StoutGood1
Three Daggers - Daggers AleGood1
Pig Pub - Pigs BestGood1
Padstow - Padstow PilotGood1
Platform 5 Brewing - WheeltappersGood1
Coquetdale - SnitterGood1
Three Kings - MusketeerGood1
Scribbler's - Beerfest At Tiffany'sAcceptable1

Visits Details

12 Mar 2014 (Stu)
Busy opening session.
Clarkshaws - Curse of Cthulhu4.90Excellent
Gasdog - Mustard Gas4.00Excellent
Black Tor - Templars IPA5.80Excellent
Half Moon - Dark Masquerade3.80Excellent
S43 (formerly Sonnet 43) - Bourbon Milk Stout4.30Good
Three Daggers - Daggers Ale4.10Good
Pig Pub - Pigs Best4.20Good
Padstow - Padstow Pilot4.00Good
Coquetdale - Snitter3.80Good
New Lion - Pandit IPA4.90Good
Big Hand - Zeta3.60Good
Platform 5 Brewing - Wheeltappers4.00Good
Three Kings - Musketeer4.50Good
Leazes Lane - Leazes Park Light3.80Good
Scribbler's - Beerfest At Tiffany's3.80Acceptable

About the Leicester Beer Festival 2014

The pub sign. Leicester Beer Festival 2014, Leicester, Leicestershire

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Leicester, Leicestershire, LE1 3AE.

Runs from Wednesday 12th to Saturday 15th March, at the Charotar Patidar Samaj, the venue that has been so popular and successful since 2001.

We have visited this pub once, seen 15 different beers and tried them all.

Map location

Postcode: LE1 3AE