
History: Home > Rocksalt Restaurant

Rocksalt Restaurant (Free House)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Kent - KGB or Kent Golding BitterAcceptable1

Visits Details

17 Dec 2014 (ChrisE)
My first successful visit here, it was dark outside and the harbour area was illuminated giving a superb view from the upstairs bar. The bar area was busy but the vast majority of customers were drinking cocktails and I was the only one drinking cask ale.
Kent - KGB or Kent Golding Bitter4.10Acceptable
25 Nov 2014 (ChrisE)
I have heard a lot about this place, mostly good reports and was looking forward to my first visit here, but unfortunately the place was closed for two days for some structural work. I will try again soon. I understand that the cask ale usually comes from Ripple Steam or Hop Fuzz.

About the Rocksalt Restaurant

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Folkestone, Kent, CT19 6AA.

Stylish restaurant in Fishmarket with a bar on the top floor serving snacks and drinks, with the restaurant below offering full meals, both areas give magnificent views of the harbour. The pub also has four boutique style letting rooms close by also offering views across the harbour.

We have visited this pub twice, seen 1 beer and tried it.

Map location

Postcode: CT19 6AA