
History: Home > Doctor Flotte

Doctor Flotte (Free House)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Binding - Römer PilsGood1
Binding - Schöfferhöfer HefeweizenGood1
Binding - ExportNot Tried0
Jever - PilsNot Tried0
Krušovice - DunkelNot Tried0
Picture 1. Doctor Flotte, Frankfurt, Germany
Picture 2. Doctor Flotte, Frankfurt, Germany

Visits Details

09 Oct 2018 (Magnus Greel)
Lunchtime and quiet, friendly welcome from the two other customers who were happy for me to take a photo of the classic unspoilt interior. I can't remember the last time I went to a pub with such an overpowering reek of tobacco, to which smoking in many pubs in Germany is still allowed.
Binding - Römer Pils4.90GoodBitter grainy malt taste followed by grass and herbs.
Binding - Schöfferhöfer Hefeweizen5.00GoodHazy refreshing wheat beer, light on the palate and easy drinking.
Binding - Export5.30Not Tried
Jever - Pils4.90Not Tried
Krušovice - Dunkel3.80Not Tried

About the Doctor Flotte

The pub sign. Doctor Flotte, Frankfurt, Germany

Summary of Beer Scores


The pub is found in Frankfurt, Germany, 60487.

Just NW of the centre, near Bockenheimer Warte U-bahn station (U6 or U7). A wonderful traditional boozer in a turreted "Gründerzeit" building. Lovely unaltered interior: a single plain bar with wooden floor and high timber dado; battened ceiling; cream and brown decor; old photos and bricabrac; 50s-60s pop music. The serving counter is in two parts: a main square servery, then a horsehoe-shaped extension, around which apfelwein-drinking locals sit on stools. Behind the servery is a congested corridor leading to the toilets and a hazardously-located dartboard. Highly recommended as a pub.

We have visited this pub once, seen 5 different beers and tried 2 of them.

Map location

Postcode: 60487