
History: Home > The Coal Exchange

The Coal Exchange (Fuller Smith & Turner)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - Gale's HSBExcellent1
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - London PrideNot Tried0
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - ESBNot Tried0
Dark Star - Hophead was 3.8% (some has also been brewed by Fuller's)Not Tried0
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - Gale's Seafarers AleNot Tried0

Visits Details

10 Jul 2022 (Jack William)
Early lunchtime- a few drinkers inside, a few more outside in the hot sunshine.
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - Gale's HSB4.80ExcellentWell rounded pint in superb condition.
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - London Pride4.10Not Tried
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - ESB5.50Not Tried
Dark Star - Hophead was 3.8% (some has also been brewed by Fuller's)3.40Not Tried
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - Gale's Seafarers Ale3.60Not Tried

About The Coal Exchange

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Emsworth, Hampshire, PO10 7EG.

Roadside house in South Street, on the way down to the old harbour. Traditional layout, small bar at the front, larger area to the side leading to an enclosed garden. Wooden beams, bare boards.

We have visited this pub once, seen 5 different beers and tried 1 of them.

Map location

Postcode: PO10 7EG