
History: Home > The White Hart

The White Hart (Free House)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Surrey Hills - Ranmore AleGood1
Surrey Hills - Shere DropGood1

Visits Details

18 Jan 2025 (Hogan Sampling)
Packed with beer drinkers and many on cask for my early evening visit and watching the football on the tv screens. A warm welcome and prompt service and a bench to be had for our party of two. Many continued to come in from the local Dorking football ground after a match there to keep the place ticking over.
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale3.80GoodGood head and lacing on this bitter from Surrey Hills Brewery just out of town. It came with a refreshing, fruity first hit. A hoppy mouthfeel was followed by a very dry finish.
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop4.20GoodThis second bitter on my visit to The White Hart also came with good head and lacing. It had a very dry first hit and a moderately hoppy mouthfeel lingering.

About The White Hart

Summary of Beer Scores


The pub is found in Dorking, Surrey, RH4 2DR.

In Dene Street, very much a locals' pub from my visit on 18th January 2025 and with two local casks on. Also called The Snakepit by the locals and so also on the pub's hanging sign. It has cellars connected to local caves but these are shut off and no longer used to store some of the beer in for health and safety reasons. The pub houses a pool table and local team. No food is served but by arrangement with the staff, it is apparently possible to bring your own takeaway in. The gents toilet is accessed by going through an old police telephone box door such as seen on Dr Who's Tardis. You come out of there slightly lighter but to the same pub again!

We have visited this pub once, seen 2 different beers and tried both.

Map location

Postcode: RH4 2DR