
History: Home > Ian



Hello, I'm Ian. I started using this site on the 16 Jan 2004 and since then I've made 2123 pub visits, tried 3210 different beers and visited 643 different pubs.

About Me

I really started getting into real ales after my first beer festival back in 2000 when Andrew and I attended the White Cliffs Winter Ales Festival at Dover Town Hall. This combined with frequent excursions to The Mogul in Dover (best pub I have ever been in, now sadly closed) gave me a broad taste of beers and breweries. Most of my visits will be in Kent as I live in Ashford, but I also occasionally get to Belgium, London and Liverpool. My favourite pubs are where you can get an ever changing range of beers from UK micros. I tend to go for citrus hoppy session beers (Oakhams etc. in fact my top five could all be Oakhams to be honest) Please email us to join as a contributor and help us bring the taste of proper beer in proper pubs to as wide an audience as possible

My Pubs

To see the pubs I have been to click here for a list or here for a map.

My Beers

To see the list of beers I have tried click here


Here's a summary of what Ian has entered onto PubsandBeer.