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Greene King Hardys & Hansons Bitter (was Kimberley Bitter)

PubAddressLast Visit Seen
The GrapesLimehouse, Greater London27 May 2023
Anchor & HopeCharlton, Greater London08 Mar 2020
King Charles IPentonville, Central London27 Feb 2020
King's HeadCanterbury, Kent22 Dec 2019
No.2 Baker StreetStirling, Stirling17 Jul 2019
The PippinMaidstone, Kent06 Nov 2018
Prince of WalesElephant & Castle, Central London24 Sep 2018
The New InnBrentford, Greater London02 May 2018
Hooden Smokehouse & Cellar (formerly Hooden on the Hill)Willesborough, Kent19 Mar 2018
Kings HeadBrightlingsea, Essex03 Dec 2017
Old ShipLimehouse, Greater London14 Dec 2016
The King AlfredWinchester, Hampshire03 Sep 2016
The CrownGreat Ellingham, Norfolk03 Feb 2016
The FlorenceHerne Hill, Greater London27 Apr 2013
Anchor InnBeer, Dorset13 Jun 2012
The WoolpackChelmsford, Essex11 Feb 2012
The Villiers ArmsOxhey, Hertfordshire30 Dec 2011
The Queens HeadSutton Valence, Kent13 Oct 2011
Prince of WalesAberdeen, Aberdeenshire10 Mar 2011
The White HorseHedgerley, Buckinghamshire08 Nov 2009

Tasting Summary

These comments are the opinion of the individual reviewer and represent what they thought of the beer on a particular day in a particular pub. If a review is less favourable, it may be because the beer suffered somewhere in the supply chain between them and the brewery.

The Grapes, Limehouse, Greater London

WittendenNot Tried27 May 2023

Anchor & Hope, Charlton, Greater London

Philip PirripGood08 Mar 2020 A tasty floral bittered brew, slightly cool. I bit my lip on the lack of honest provenance on the pumpclip

King Charles I, Pentonville, Central London

Magnus GreelGood27 Feb 2020 Flavoursome traditional no frills English bitter

King's Head, Canterbury, Kent

Jack WilliamNot Tried22 Dec 2019
Jack WilliamNot Tried28 Sep 2018
AndrewGood10 Apr 2018
Jack WilliamNot Tried28 Feb 2018
Jack WilliamNot Tried14 Dec 2017
AndrewGood27 Oct 2017

No.2 Baker Street, Stirling, Stirling

Stephen HarrisNot Tried17 Jul 2019

The Pippin, Maidstone, Kent

Jack WilliamNot Tried06 Nov 2018

Prince of Wales, Elephant & Castle, Central London

Magnus GreelGood24 Sep 2018 Badged as H&H Bitter, unexciting dull traditional bitter as expected. Nothing else on offer however it could've been far worse...

The New Inn, Brentford, Greater London

Magnus GreelUndrinkable02 May 2018 One sip was enough made for a very brief visit.

Hooden Smokehouse & Cellar (formerly Hooden on the Hill), Willesborough, Kent

ChrisEGood19 Mar 2018
AlenomoreNot Tried19 Sep 2010

Kings Head, Brightlingsea, Essex

Stephen HarrisAcceptable03 Dec 2017 A mockery of this beer’s heritage – it reeks of Greene King in all but the pumpclip.

Old Ship, Limehouse, Greater London

Stephen HarrisNot Tried14 Dec 2016

The King Alfred, Winchester, Hampshire

Stephen HarrisNot Tried03 Sep 2016

The Crown, Great Ellingham, Norfolk

HSBNot Tried03 Feb 2016

The Florence, Herne Hill, Greater London

Philip PirripNot Tried27 Apr 2013 Only displayed vestige of Greene King ownership

Anchor Inn, Beer, Dorset

AndrewNot Tried13 Jun 2012 Badged as Anchor Ale

The Woolpack, Chelmsford, Essex

ChrisENot Tried11 Feb 2012
Stephen HarrisNot Tried23 Dec 2011 Brewed by Greene King

The Villiers Arms, Oxhey, Hertfordshire

AndrewAcceptable30 Dec 2011 Good condition but not Nottingham's finest bitter - assuming GK still brew ot there, which I doubt

The Queens Head, Sutton Valence, Kent

PedroExcellent13 Oct 2011

Prince of Wales, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire

McGargleNot Tried10 Mar 2011

The White Horse, Hedgerley, Buckinghamshire

AndrewNot Tried08 Nov 2009

Greene King Hardys & Hansons Bitter (was Kimberley Bitter)

3.90% ABV.

We have tried this beer 10 times.

We have given this beer an average score of Acceptable to Good.

Other Greene King beers.