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Flack's (a.k.a. Flack Manor) Flack's Double Drop

PubAddressLast Visit Seen
The Red CowSandwich, Kent28 May 2023
The Royal OakFritham, Hampshire20 Jun 2019
The Park TavernEltham, Greater London24 Nov 2018
The Black Horse InnByworth, West Sussex14 Oct 2017
The GeorgeAlton, Hampshire18 Aug 2015
The Wagon WorksEastleigh, Hampshire16 May 2015
The Queen InnWinchester, Hampshire03 Jan 2015
Northbrook ArmsEast Stratton, Hampshire11 Dec 2014
EbenezersHythe, Hampshire21 Sep 2013
The CrownFordingbridge, Hampshire24 Oct 2012
The LuzboroughRomsey, Hampshire12 Sep 2012
26 Furnival Street (formerly The Castle)Chancery Lane, Central London22 Dec 2011
East End ArmsLymington, Hampshire06 Nov 2011
The Lazy Lion (formerly The Red Lion)Milford on Sea, Hampshire03 Nov 2011
Bishop's Stortford Real Ale FestivalBishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire30 Jul 2011
The Burley InnBurley, Hampshire03 Jun 2010

Tasting Summary

These comments are the opinion of the individual reviewer and represent what they thought of the beer on a particular day in a particular pub. If a review is less favourable, it may be because the beer suffered somewhere in the supply chain between them and the brewery.

The Red Cow, Sandwich, Kent

Jack WilliamNot Tried28 May 2023

The Royal Oak, Fritham, Hampshire

StuNot Tried20 Jun 2019
Archie14Excellent05 Jul 2016 Served on gravity like all ales served here. Excellent condition very nutty finish.
EddieExcellent11 Nov 2012
EddieExcellent19 Oct 2012
HSBGood14 Aug 2012
StuGood02 Jun 2010 Amber in colour,with a citrus lemon taste.

The Park Tavern, Eltham, Greater London

Philip PirripNot Tried24 Nov 2018

The Black Horse Inn, Byworth, West Sussex

WittendenGood14 Oct 2017 Chestnut brown cooking bitter: malt led.

The George, Alton, Hampshire

Philip PirripNot Tried18 Aug 2015

The Wagon Works, Eastleigh, Hampshire

AndrewGood16 May 2015 Nice mellow low hop chocolate coloured beer

The Queen Inn, Winchester, Hampshire

Stephen HarrisNot Tried03 Jan 2015

Northbrook Arms, East Stratton, Hampshire

HSBGood11 Dec 2014 Excellent condition but not much flavour.

Ebenezers, Hythe, Hampshire

Stephen HarrisAcceptable21 Sep 2013 A rather ordinary sort of bitter. Decent enough for when in a hurry, but not one to particularly savour.

The Crown, Fordingbridge, Hampshire

EddieExcellent24 Oct 2012

The Luzborough, Romsey, Hampshire

PedroGood12 Sep 2012

26 Furnival Street (formerly The Castle), Chancery Lane, Central London

Stephen HarrisNot Tried22 Dec 2011

East End Arms, Lymington, Hampshire

MattY1Not Tried06 Nov 2011

The Lazy Lion (formerly The Red Lion), Milford on Sea, Hampshire

MattY1Exceptional03 Nov 2011 Smooth and creamy pint with high malt notes and oak finish
MattY1Excellent01 Nov 2011 Mid brown bitter of low strength but lots of flavour, strong oak notes and a very dry finnish

Bishop's Stortford Real Ale Festival, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire

AlenomoreGood30 Jul 2011

The Burley Inn, Burley, Hampshire

StuGood03 Jun 2010 Amber in colour, citrus lemon taste with hint of pear and caramel malt.

Flack's (a.k.a. Flack Manor) Flack's Double Drop

3.70% ABV.

We have tried this beer 15 times.

We have given this beer an average score of Good to Excellent.

Other Flack's (a.k.a. Flack Manor) beers.