Ye Olde Mitre (Fuller Smith & Turner)
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04 Sep 2012 (Stephen Harris)
On a warm evening, most customers were outside, leaving seats available in the back bar. Here was a unsteady old soak, propping up the bar, sluring his words and telling each new arrival, loudly, that he had “had a magnificent lunch”; this at 6:30pm.
Cairngorm - Highland IPA | 5.00 | ![Good](/images/3-5star.gif) | Amber-coloured, heavily-hopped, dry and bitter. |
Adnams - Broadside | 4.70 | Not Tried | |
Belhaven - Caledonian Deuchars IPA | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - Discovery Blond | 3.90 | Not Tried | |
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - Gale's Seafarers Ale | 3.60 | Not Tried | |
30 Jul 2012 (Stephen Harris)
This is now a Fullers pub. Some Americans of my acquaintance, in town for the Games, want to see an old fashioned and quaint London pub, so I bring them here. It is not busy in the late afternoon, but everybody else in the back bar is an American tourist in town for the Games. My friends think I have simply brought them to the most obvious place imaginable.
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - Wild River | 4.50 | ![Excellent](/images/4star.gif) | I’ve been holding off from trying this until I am in a reliable pub. It is excellent! Golden and US hoppy, but with Fuller’s signature malt taste evident. |
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - London Pride | 4.10 | Not Tried | |
Belhaven - Caledonian Deuchars IPA | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
York (now brewed by and at Black Sheep) - Yorkshire Terrier | 4.20 | Not Tried | |
Adnams - Southwold Bitter | 3.70 | Not Tried | |
20 Apr 2012 (Dosser)
Adnams - Broadside | 4.70 | ![Excellent](/images/4star.gif) | |
16 Jun 2011 (Martin the Mildman)
Busy with the upstairs room in use by the Thursday evening "Mild Club".
Phoenix - Monkeytown Mild | 3.90 | ![Good](/images/3-5star.gif) | Dark brown mild with an initial taste of burnt toffee. Towards the finish, caramel and chocoalte flavours take over. My score 15/20. |
Dark Star - Over The Moon | 3.80 | ![Acceptable](/images/3star.gif) | Rather bitter sample here with a bit of a clash between the dark malts and cascade hops with neither gaining the advantage. My score 14/20. |
06 May 2010 (Martin the Mildman)
Rather quiet for a Thursday evening, maybe some people had gone home to vote.
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - Hock | 3.50 | ![Excellent](/images/4star.gif) | Smooth, sweetish and well rounded dark brown mild. My score 16/20. |
Derventio - Maia Mild | 4.00 | ![Excellent](/images/4star.gif) | Malty blakc mild with good roast and liquorice flavours leading to a dryish finish. My score 16/20. |
04 May 2010 (Martin the Mildman)
Rudgate - Ruby Mild | 4.40 | ![Acceptable](/images/3star.gif) | Not keen on this as a mild, it's too bitter with a slightly lactic edge and hops in the finish. Served in top condition here though. My score 14/20. |
08 Sep 2009 (Ian)
Still one of my favourite pubs in London, small, cosy, friendly and you can just sit here and have a quiet pint.
Adnams - Broadside | 4.70 | ![Excellent](/images/4star.gif) | Good Adnams yeasty character on aroma, ESB style malt fruit verging on the best bitter. Perfect mix of colour, yeast, fruit malt and hop bitterness. |
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - London Pride | 4.10 | Not Tried | |
Belhaven - Caledonian Deuchars IPA | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - Discovery Blond | 3.90 | Not Tried | |
Beartown (latterly part of Manning Brewers) - Bearskinful (aka Premium or SB) | 4.20 | Not Tried | |
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - Gale's Seafarers Ale | 3.60 | Not Tried | |
19 Feb 2009 (Ian)
Still a lovely pub, surprisingly busy on a mid Thursday afternoon. My toasty was forgotten on my order so I got a couple of free sausages with it which made up for it.
Dark Star - Hophead was 3.8% (some has also been brewed by Fuller's) | 3.40 | ![Excellent](/images/4star.gif) | The Hophead here was sensational. |
Adnams - Broadside | 4.70 | Not Tried | |
Belhaven - Caledonian Deuchars IPA | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Adnams - Southwold Bitter | 3.70 | Not Tried | |
10 Dec 2008 (Ian)
One of my favourites. Small, snug and a really well run pub. First port of call and a relaxed quiet place to work out my plan of pubs. They had a Russian TV crew in, but the landlord Scotty, still had time to gave me some ideas for a pub crawl.
Abbey Ales - Twelfth Night | 5.00 | ![Good](/images/3-5star.gif) | Deep chestnut, lasting dark beige head. Chocolatey ESB, really nice, very tasty, great dark fruits, rich and very tasty. |
Adnams - Broadside | 4.70 | Not Tried | |
Belhaven - Caledonian Deuchars IPA | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Timothy Taylor - Landlord | 4.30 | Not Tried | |
Jennings (since closure now brewed at Marston's) - Red Breast | 4.50 | Not Tried | |
Adnams - Southwold Bitter | 3.70 | Not Tried | |
05 Dec 2008 (Blair)
I'd been meaning to get to this pub for years, unfortunately I always seem to come to London at the weekend, when this pub is closed. It is really strange to have a historic pub like this in the area it's in. Really busy, we managed to bag a couple of stools and got in peoples way. I'll definitely be back.
Caledonian - Elf Esteem | 4.00 | ![Acceptable](/images/3star.gif) | My first mouthful was almost overpoweringly sweet, but then i adjusted to it and it grew on me a little. I'd like to try it again but first impression is a bit so-so. |
Adnams - Broadside | 4.70 | Not Tried | |
Adnams - Southwold Bitter | 3.70 | Not Tried | |
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