
History: Home > The Surrey Oaks

The Surrey Oaks (Free House)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Loddon - Penny Pond Porter (was 5.5%)Exceptional1
Arbor Ales - Single Hop - SimcoeExcellent1
Surrey Hills - Ranmore AleExcellent2
Howling Hops (Brewed at Hackney Wick) - Riding AleExcellent1
Pentrich - Count the MilesExcellent1
Surrey Hills - Shere DropExcellent2
Ilkley - TribusExcellent1
Salopian - BeatnikExcellent1
Brew By Numbers - 21 Pale Ale CitraExcellent1
Bowland - Daylight RobberyExcellent1
Thornbridge / Thornbridge Hall - LumfordExcellent1
Dorking - Red India AleExcellent1
Pilgrim - MoildExcellent1
Saltaire - Tyke's GoldExcellent1
West Berkshire - Maggs' Magnificent MildExcellent1
Pictish - MarynkaExcellent1
Five Points - Railway PorterExcellent1
Shardlow - Cavendish DarkGood1
Kirkstall - Kirkstall Pale AleGood1
Empire - ViennaGood1
Five Points - JupaGood1
Oakleaf (now see Fallen Acorn entries) - IPAGood1
Kissingate - Black Cherry MildGood1
Dunham Massey - Summer MeadowGood1
Pennine (now called Rossendale) - HaloGood1
Marble - Trials #3Good1
Wild Beer Co. - Cottage IndustryGood1
BrewDog - Alpha DogAcceptable1
Pilgrim - Gold SpiceAcceptable1
Elland - Zig Zag WandererAcceptable1
Titanic - Plum Porter Grand ReservePoor1
Blue Monkey - Infinity IPA (was Infinity)Not Tried0
Salopian - Lemon DreamNot Tried0
Kent - Session PaleNot Tried0
Fierce - Moose MousseNot Tried0
Dorking - Extra Pale Ale XPA (was 3.8%Not Tried0
Oakham - CitraNot Tried0
Park - Killcat PaleNot Tried0
Park - Brigadeiro Milk StoutNot Tried0
Harvey's - Sussex Best BitterNot Tried0
Otley - O-GardenNot Tried0

Visits Details

23 Apr 2022 (Wittenden)
Early doors on a windy Saturday lunchtime.Filled up, but not as busy asI'd expected.We came to meet Lucy.Other craft keg beers not listed.
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale3.80ExcellentBarley straw session pale. Willowy hops, some hint of stone.
Pentrich - Count the Miles5.00ExcellentA New England Pale.Hazy. Soft, sweet tropical fruit.Perhaps 4.5 in my reckoning.
Brew By Numbers - 21 Pale Ale Citra5.20ExcellentOrdered by mistake, but no regrets.Cloudy.Citric followed by stone fruit.On Key-Keg,so some culture shock.
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop4.20Not Tried
Oakham - Citra4.20Not TriedI meant to order this, but...
Park - Killcat Pale3.70Not Tried
Park - Brigadeiro Milk Stout3.50Not Tried
26 Aug 2020 (Wittenden)
Our first evening pub visit since re-opening:much confusion over a booking, and we never got to perform Track n Trace. As usual, we'd come to meet Lucy, (whose brass candlesticks were a cause of much mirth),and sat inthe garden, where the pagoda used to be.Busy with folk Eating Out To Help Out.
Five Points - Railway Porter4.80ExcellentLuscious, chocolately porter, taken as an evening chill descended.
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop4.20GoodPerhaps not as characterful as hoped.
Five Points - Jupa5.50GoodA fruity, juicy Pale. OK, but too heavy on the fruit.
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale3.80Not Tried
Dorking - Extra Pale Ale XPA (was 3.8%3.40Not Tried
27 Aug 2019 (Wittenden)
We came to meet Lucy, after a two and a half hour battle with the A and M 25,and sat in the pagoda ,on a balmy Tuesday evening.
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop4.20ExcellentA worthy champion beer:approacheable and upstanding.
Thornbridge / Thornbridge Hall - Lumford3.90ExcellentGrassy hops,gentle fruit.
Marble - Trials #35.00GoodA double dry hopped Pale Ale.Tropical fruit.A hop salad,the individual varieties couldn't shine through.
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale3.80Not Tried
Kent - Session Pale3.70Not Tried
Fierce - Moose Mousse4.50Not Tried
14 Aug 2018 (Wittenden)
We came to meet Lucy, and sat in the sort of pergola construction on a balmy August evening.Busy.
Kirkstall - Kirkstall Pale Ale4.00GoodStraw coloured.Hop forward.Made me think of God's Own County.
Kissingate - Black Cherry Mild4.20GoodI like Mild, and I love cherries, but sadly not together.Cloying.
Salopian - Lemon Dream4.50Not Tried
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale3.80Not Tried
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop4.20Not Tried
09 Dec 2017 (Wittenden)
Saturday evening on a frosty December day.Humming, and a beer festival out the back to boot.We'd come to see Lucy,and roasted by the log burner.Unusually for Surrey, a proper pub.Only beers tried in the festival tent listed.
Arbor Ales - Single Hop - Simcoe4.00ExcellentClear as a bell pale ale from stillage in the festival tent.Bubble gum fruit. Beer of the evening.
Howling Hops (Brewed at Hackney Wick) - Riding Ale3.00ExcellentLondon Murky pale ale. Excellent tropical fruit flavours for the abv. Served from stillage in the festival tent.
Ilkley - Tribus4.40ExcellentSlightly hazy pale ale. Melons.
Wild Beer Co. - Cottage Industry4.50GoodAnother hazy pale ale. Bit lacking in character for the abv.
Titanic - Plum Porter Grand Reserve6.50PoorSomeone'd been heavy handed with the noyaux.I couldn't finish this one,though it was selling very well tonight.
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale3.80Not Tried
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop4.20Not Tried
13 Apr 2013 (Wittenden)
Lunchtime on a wet April Saturday.We were on our way to Hampshire and running late, so it seemed a good idea to call in here.Busy with an eclectic mix of customers.
Pilgrim - Moild3.80ExcellentJet black mild. Soft and apricot. Grand.
Saltaire - Tyke's Gold4.40ExcellentA really good golden ale for a change.Biscuitish and citrus.
Harvey's - Sussex Best Bitter4.00Not Tried
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale3.80Not Tried
Blue Monkey - Infinity IPA (was Infinity)4.60Not TriedRan out
06 Mar 2011 (Wittenden)
My first visit to this multi award winning pub: a busy Sunday lunchtime, with families,walkers and a few bikers.The landlord is a noted authority on the subject of good ale. Excellent pub.
Loddon - Penny Pond Porter (was 5.5%)5.00ExceptionalDark and luscious.Roast malt, pine-apple and a hint of sourness.Wonderful stuff.
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale3.80ExcellentA good honest session beer:golden spectrum, moderately hopped.Good beer.
Salopian - Beatnik4.30ExcellentA golden ale-citrus,good malt note. Pleasant, but in a me-too way.
Harvey's - Sussex Best Bitter4.00Not TriedMy step son tried this, and said it was fine.
Otley - O-Garden4.80Not Tried
28 Aug 2010 (Martin the Mildman)
Summer Beer Festival in progress. Quite busy and just good enough weather to sit in the large garden.
Bowland - Daylight Robbery3.90ExcellentClear, pale wheat beer with good citrus hop character. Sweetish with cereal malt in the background and a citrus hop finish. My score 16/20.
Pictish - Marynka4.50ExcellentVery pale with intense citrussy hop flavours. Very little malt character but the fruity citrus hops give a pleasant clean finish to the beer. My score 16/20.
Shardlow - Cavendish Dark3.70GoodRuby coloured fruity mild with a sweetish berry flavour and low hop rate. Dryish finish. My score 15/20.
Oakleaf (now see Fallen Acorn entries) - IPA5.50GoodFull bodied sweetish hoppy flavour with citrus notes in the finish. My score 15/20.
Pennine (now called Rossendale) - Halo4.50GoodPremium best bitter with a bittersweet hop flavour present throught to the finish. My score 15/20.
BrewDog - Alpha Dog4.50AcceptableReddish brown darker bitter with a bitter hop character. Little malt flavour and a dryish finish. My score 14/20.
30 Aug 2009 (Martin the Mildman)
The annual August Bank Holiday beer festival was in full swing with the garden full of diners and festival attendees.
West Berkshire - Maggs' Magnificent Mild3.80ExcellentGood traditional dark brown mild with sweetish malts and light hopping. My score 16/20.
Dorking - Red India Ale5.00ExcellentDeep red in colour, this beer has a fruity sweetness like berry fruits and a smooth full bodied taste. My score 16/20.
Empire - Vienna4.00GoodPale lager style beer with Vienna malt included in the recipe. My score 15/20.
Dunham Massey - Summer Meadow4.30GoodPale bitter with good refreshing citrussy hop character. My score 15/20.
Pilgrim - Gold Spice4.30AcceptableA little on the spicy and dry side for my taste. My score 13/20.
Elland - Zig Zag Wanderer5.00AcceptableLight golden strong bitter. Lots of hops in this but quite a dry character. My score 14/20.

About The Surrey Oaks

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Newdigate, Surrey, RH5 5DZ.

Actually in Parkgate, this is a very old former Friary Meux pub now in the hands of experienced licensees who make full use of guest beer availability. Good food is served as well.

We have visited this pub 9 times, seen 41 different beers and tried 31 of them.

Map location

Postcode: RH5 5DZ