The Surrey Oaks (Free House)
Visits Details
23 Apr 2022 (Wittenden)
Early doors on a windy Saturday lunchtime.Filled up, but not as busy asI'd expected.We came to meet Lucy.Other craft keg beers not listed.
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale | 3.80 |  | Barley straw session pale. Willowy hops, some hint of stone. |
Pentrich - Count the Miles | 5.00 |  | A New England Pale.Hazy. Soft, sweet tropical fruit.Perhaps 4.5 in my reckoning. |
Brew By Numbers - 21 Pale Ale Citra | 5.20 |  | Ordered by mistake, but no regrets.Cloudy.Citric followed by stone fruit.On Key-Keg,so some culture shock. |
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop | 4.20 | Not Tried | |
Oakham - Citra | 4.20 | Not Tried | I meant to order this, but... |
Park - Killcat Pale | 3.70 | Not Tried | |
Park - Brigadeiro Milk Stout | 3.50 | Not Tried | |
26 Aug 2020 (Wittenden)
Our first evening pub visit since re-opening:much confusion over a booking, and we never got to perform Track n Trace. As usual, we'd come to meet Lucy, (whose brass candlesticks were a cause of much mirth),and sat inthe garden, where the pagoda used to be.Busy with folk Eating Out To Help Out.
Five Points - Railway Porter | 4.80 |  | Luscious, chocolately porter, taken as an evening chill descended. |
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop | 4.20 |  | Perhaps not as characterful as hoped. |
Five Points - Jupa | 5.50 |  | A fruity, juicy Pale. OK, but too heavy on the fruit. |
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Dorking - Extra Pale Ale XPA (was 3.8% | 3.40 | Not Tried | |
27 Aug 2019 (Wittenden)
We came to meet Lucy, after a two and a half hour battle with the A and M 25,and sat in the pagoda ,on a balmy Tuesday evening.
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop | 4.20 |  | A worthy champion beer:approacheable and upstanding. |
Thornbridge / Thornbridge Hall - Lumford | 3.90 |  | Grassy hops,gentle fruit. |
Marble - Trials #3 | 5.00 |  | A double dry hopped Pale Ale.Tropical fruit.A hop salad,the individual varieties couldn't shine through. |
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Kent - Session Pale | 3.70 | Not Tried | |
Fierce - Moose Mousse | 4.50 | Not Tried | |
14 Aug 2018 (Wittenden)
We came to meet Lucy, and sat in the sort of pergola construction on a balmy August evening.Busy.
Kirkstall - Kirkstall Pale Ale | 4.00 |  | Straw coloured.Hop forward.Made me think of God's Own County. |
Kissingate - Black Cherry Mild | 4.20 |  | I like Mild, and I love cherries, but sadly not together.Cloying. |
Salopian - Lemon Dream | 4.50 | Not Tried | |
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop | 4.20 | Not Tried | |
09 Dec 2017 (Wittenden)
Saturday evening on a frosty December day.Humming, and a beer festival out the back to boot.We'd come to see Lucy,and roasted by the log burner.Unusually for Surrey, a proper pub.Only beers tried in the festival tent listed.
Arbor Ales - Single Hop - Simcoe | 4.00 |  | Clear as a bell pale ale from stillage in the festival tent.Bubble gum fruit. Beer of the evening. |
Howling Hops (Brewed at Hackney Wick) - Riding Ale | 3.00 |  | London Murky pale ale. Excellent tropical fruit flavours for the abv. Served from stillage in the festival tent. |
Ilkley - Tribus | 4.40 |  | Slightly hazy pale ale. Melons. |
Wild Beer Co. - Cottage Industry | 4.50 |  | Another hazy pale ale. Bit lacking in character for the abv. |
Titanic - Plum Porter Grand Reserve | 6.50 |  | Someone'd been heavy handed with the noyaux.I couldn't finish this one,though it was selling very well tonight. |
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop | 4.20 | Not Tried | |
13 Apr 2013 (Wittenden)
Lunchtime on a wet April Saturday.We were on our way to Hampshire and running late, so it seemed a good idea to call in here.Busy with an eclectic mix of customers.
Pilgrim - Moild | 3.80 |  | Jet black mild. Soft and apricot. Grand. |
Saltaire - Tyke's Gold | 4.40 |  | A really good golden ale for a change.Biscuitish and citrus. |
Harvey's - Sussex Best Bitter | 4.00 | Not Tried | |
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Blue Monkey - Infinity IPA (was Infinity) | 4.60 | Not Tried | Ran out |
06 Mar 2011 (Wittenden)
My first visit to this multi award winning pub: a busy Sunday lunchtime, with families,walkers and a few bikers.The landlord is a noted authority on the subject of good ale. Excellent pub.
Loddon - Penny Pond Porter (was 5.5%) | 5.00 |  | Dark and luscious.Roast malt, pine-apple and a hint of sourness.Wonderful stuff. |
Surrey Hills - Ranmore Ale | 3.80 |  | A good honest session beer:golden spectrum, moderately hopped.Good beer. |
Salopian - Beatnik | 4.30 |  | A golden ale-citrus,good malt note. Pleasant, but in a me-too way. |
Harvey's - Sussex Best Bitter | 4.00 | Not Tried | My step son tried this, and said it was fine. |
Otley - O-Garden | 4.80 | Not Tried | |
28 Aug 2010 (Martin the Mildman)
Summer Beer Festival in progress. Quite busy and just good enough weather to sit in the large garden.
Bowland - Daylight Robbery | 3.90 |  | Clear, pale wheat beer with good citrus hop character. Sweetish with cereal malt in the background and a citrus hop finish. My score 16/20. |
Pictish - Marynka | 4.50 |  | Very pale with intense citrussy hop flavours. Very little malt character but the fruity citrus hops give a pleasant clean finish to the beer. My score 16/20. |
Shardlow - Cavendish Dark | 3.70 |  | Ruby coloured fruity mild with a sweetish berry flavour and low hop rate. Dryish finish. My score 15/20. |
Oakleaf (now see Fallen Acorn entries) - IPA | 5.50 |  | Full bodied sweetish hoppy flavour with citrus notes in the finish. My score 15/20. |
Pennine (now called Rossendale) - Halo | 4.50 |  | Premium best bitter with a bittersweet hop flavour present throught to the finish. My score 15/20. |
BrewDog - Alpha Dog | 4.50 |  | Reddish brown darker bitter with a bitter hop character. Little malt flavour and a dryish finish. My score 14/20. |
30 Aug 2009 (Martin the Mildman)
The annual August Bank Holiday beer festival was in full swing with the garden full of diners and festival attendees.
West Berkshire - Maggs' Magnificent Mild | 3.80 |  | Good traditional dark brown mild with sweetish malts and light hopping. My score 16/20. |
Dorking - Red India Ale | 5.00 |  | Deep red in colour, this beer has a fruity sweetness like berry fruits and a smooth full bodied taste. My score 16/20. |
Empire - Vienna | 4.00 |  | Pale lager style beer with Vienna malt included in the recipe. My score 15/20. |
Dunham Massey - Summer Meadow | 4.30 |  | Pale bitter with good refreshing citrussy hop character. My score 15/20. |
Pilgrim - Gold Spice | 4.30 |  | A little on the spicy and dry side for my taste. My score 13/20. |
Elland - Zig Zag Wanderer | 5.00 |  | Light golden strong bitter. Lots of hops in this but quite a dry character. My score 14/20. |