
History: Home > The Steamboat

The Steamboat

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Kelham Island (probably brewed by Thornbridge now) - Pale RiderExceptional1
Wold Top - Mars MagicExcellent1
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - Three TigersExcellent1
Black Hole - CosmicExcellent1
Saltaire - Harvest MoonExcellent1
Mauldons - Three LionsExcellent1
Sadler's (see also Windsor Castle entry) - Celtic TrapExcellent1
S43 (formerly Sonnet 43) - Bourbon Milk StoutExcellent1
Ringwood - Old Thumper (now superseded by 5.1% version - separate entry)Excellent1
Bays - GoldExcellent1
Hanlons (formerly O'Hanlon's) - Original Port StoutExcellent1
Stonehouse - Station BitterExcellent1
Derventio - Capellos LionsGood1
Robinsons - Trooper (superseded by 4.7% version)Acceptable1
Salisbury - Sarum IPAAcceptable1
Hexhamshire - LiquidityAcceptable1
Batemans - England Expects in South AfricaAcceptable1
Belhaven - Caledonian Deuchars IPANot Tried0
Marston's - PedigreeNot Tried0
Mordue - Workie TicketNot Tried0
Marston's - Wychwood Hobgoblin IPA (was Ruby Beer, was Hobgoblin)Not Tried0
Acorn - Old Moor PorterNot Tried0
Black Sheep - Golden SheepNot Tried0
Jennings (since closure now brewed at Marston's) - Cumberland AleNot Tried0
Wooden Hand - Cornish MutinyNot Tried0
Maxim - Double MaximNot Tried0
Black Paw - Polar PawNot Tried0
Sharp's - Doom BarNot Tried0
Orkney (Sinclair) - Golden Amber (Atlas range)Not Tried0
Harviestoun - Bitter & TwistedNot Tried0
Swannay (formerly Highland) - Pale AleNot Tried0
Greene King - FiresideNot Tried0
Green Jack - Golden BestNot Tried0
Coach House - Cinnamon Special BitterNot Tried0
Altarnum (formerly Penpont) - An HowlNot Tried0
Maxim - Swedish BlondeNot Tried0
VIP - The Village BikeNot Tried0
Wylam - Gold TankardNot Tried0
Picture 1. The Steamboat, South Shields, Tyne and Wear

Visits Details

06 Jan 2015 (ChrisE)
Early afternoon on a fairly cold January day, not many people about.
S43 (formerly Sonnet 43) - Bourbon Milk Stout4.30ExcellentDelicious creamy stout.
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Harviestoun - Bitter & Twisted3.80Not Tried
Greene King - Fireside4.50Not TriedNo mention of the brewer's name on the pump clip. The barman had to look it up in a brochure to find out who brewed it.
Coach House - Cinnamon Special Bitter4.20Not Tried
Black Sheep - Golden Sheep3.90Not Tried
Maxim - Swedish Blonde4.20Not Tried
Wylam - Gold Tankard4.00Not Tried
18 Apr 2014 (Stephen Harris)
Late evening visit. There is a good crowd in the pub and a pleasant atmosphere.
Robinsons - Trooper (superseded by 4.7% version)4.80AcceptableAmber-coloured and full-bodied. Slightly ‘soapy’ Robinson’s taste.
Salisbury - Sarum IPA4.30AcceptableGolden coloured with a ‘cereal’ malt taste. Not sure which definition of IPA this falls under.
Belhaven - Caledonian Deuchars IPA3.80Not Tried
Jennings (since closure now brewed at Marston's) - Cumberland Ale4.00Not Tried
Wooden Hand - Cornish Mutiny4.80Not Tried
Maxim - Double Maxim4.70Not Tried
Black Paw - Polar Paw4.40Not Tried
28 Jul 2013 (ChrisE)
Can't fault this place. I was here yesterday and plenty of new beers today. Excellent service and a proper pub.
Stonehouse - Station Bitter3.90Excellent
Orkney (Sinclair) - Golden Amber (Atlas range)4.50Not Tried
Swannay (formerly Highland) - Pale Ale4.70Not Tried
Green Jack - Golden Best3.80Not Tried
Altarnum (formerly Penpont) - An Howl5.60Not Tried
VIP - The Village Bike4.00Not Tried
27 Jul 2013 (ChrisE)
Hot Saturday evening, a good number of people outside which provided room for us inside. It might have been pretty crowded otherwise.
Black Hole - Cosmic4.20Excellent
Belhaven - Caledonian Deuchars IPA3.80Not Tried
Marston's - Pedigree4.50Not Tried
Mordue - Workie Ticket4.50Not Tried
Marston's - Wychwood Hobgoblin IPA (was Ruby Beer, was Hobgoblin)4.50Not Tried
Acorn - Old Moor Porter4.40Not TriedThe person with me said this was superb.
Black Sheep - Golden Sheep3.90Not Tried
04 Jul 2011 (Flying.geordie)
Kelham Island (probably brewed by Thornbridge now) - Pale Rider5.20Exceptional
Ringwood - Old Thumper (now superseded by 5.1% version - separate entry)5.60Excellent
28 Sep 2010 (Flying.geordie)
Busy as usual.
Saltaire - Harvest Moon4.20Excellent
Sadler's (see also Windsor Castle entry) - Celtic Trap4.20Excellent
28 Aug 2010 (Flying.geordie)
Late afternoon and full.
Wold Top - Mars Magic4.60Excellent
22 Jul 2010 (Flying.geordie)
Busy early evening.
Bays - Gold4.30Excellent
08 Jul 2010 (Flying.geordie)
A good few customers as it was the start of the pub festival.
Hanlons (formerly O'Hanlon's) - Original Port Stout4.80Excellent
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - Three Tigers4.00Excellent
Mauldons - Three Lions4.40Excellent
Derventio - Capellos Lions4.00GoodMy 12,000th different real ale. Could have been better.
Hexhamshire - Liquidity4.10Acceptable
05 Jun 2010 (Flying.geordie)
Early evening and busy.
Batemans - England Expects in South Africa4.00Acceptable

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About The Steamboat

The pub sign. The Steamboat, South Shields, Tyne and Wear

Summary of Beer Scores


The pub is found in South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 1EQ.

One of the oldest pubs in South Shields. Main bar has nautical theme. Lounge on raised floor. 2015 local CAMRA branch Pub of the Year.

We have visited this pub 15 times, seen 45 different beers and tried 24 of them.

Map location

Postcode: NE33 1EQ