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Cask Pub & Kitchen (Free House)

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Stardust - PK3Exceptional1
Weird Beard - Bad HabitExcellent1
Weird Beard - Holy Hoppin' Hell: Batch 2Excellent1
Tyne Bank - Heavenly PorterExcellent1
Grey Trees - JPR's Pale AleExcellent1
Magic Rock - Craft MagicExcellent1
Weird Beard - Fade to BlackExcellent1
Weird Beard - Little Things That KillExcellent1
Saltaire - Tyke's GoldExcellent1
Tiny Rebel - Dirty Stop OutExcellent1
Mallinsons - S.P.A. Session Pale Ale 7Excellent1
Weird Beard - Single Hop AmarilloExcellent1
Hophurst - AzaccaExcellent1
Thornbridge / Thornbridge Hall - WarpExcellent1
Kirkstall - Dissolution IPAGood1
Thornbridge / Thornbridge Hall - Craft UnionGood1
Vibrant Forest - CitraGood1
Saltaire - Blackberry CascadeGood1
Weird Beard - Little Things That Kill (Coffee Beans)Good1
Saltaire - Raspberry BlondeGood1
Siren Craft - UndercurrentGood1
Marble - Temporary Traffic LightsGood1
Saltaire - New World RedGood1
Saltaire - Cascadian BlackNot Tried0
Hawkshead - Jingle FellsNot Tried0
Grey Trees - Winter WarmerNot Tried0
Saltaire - Kala Black IPANot Tried0
Hawkshead - Cumbrian Five HopNot Tried0
Grey Trees - Digger's GoldNot Tried0
Weird Beard - Five O'Clock ShadowNot Tried0
Stancill - Barnsley BitterNot Tried0
Tiny Rebel - Pump up the JamNot Tried0
Weird Beard - Mariana TrenchNot Tried0
Vibrant Forest - Summerlands (was 3.5%)Not Tried0
Errant - Culture ShockNot Tried0
Weird Beard - Black Perle (superseded by 3.8% version)Not Tried0
Wishbone - BleepNot Tried0
Neptune - SilenusNot Tried0
Weird Beard - Hit the LightsNot Tried0
Stardust - Just StoutNot Tried0
Grey Trees - Valley PorterNot Tried0
Acorn - Barnsley BitterNot Tried0
Tiny Rebel - The Vader ShuffleNot Tried0
Tower - Winter SpiritNot Tried0
Buxton - Buxton SpaNot Tried0
Rooster's - YPA (Yorkshire Pale Ale)Not Tried0
Marble - Pint (was 3.9%)Not Tried0
Buxton - Wild BoarNot Tried0
Hawkshead - NZPANot Tried0
Driftwood Spars - Lou's BrewNot Tried0
Mallinsons - Nelson SauvinNot Tried0
Hawkshead - Dry Stone StoutNot Tried0
Tower - Imperial IPANot Tried0
Mallinsons - CitraNot Tried0
Totally Brewed - Crazy like a FoxNot Tried0
Macintosh (cuckoo at Orbit) - Best BitterNot Tried0
Buxton - Axe Edge Double IPANot Tried0
Tiny Rebel - Tiny Batch Edition: Raspberry & Marshmallow SourNot Tried0
Driftwood Spars - SparsNot Tried0
Saltaire - Cascade Pale AleNot Tried0
Northern Monk - Chennai Export PorterNot Tried0
CTZN (formerly Kew) - CamelliaNot Tried0
Attic - Figment Pale AleNot Tried0
Saltaire - Saltaire BlondeNot Tried0
Burning Sky - PorterNot Tried0
Tiny Rebel - ChurbroNot Tried0
Saltaire - Triple Choc (was Triple Chocoholic)Not Tried0
Northern Monk - Festive Star Spiced Mocha PorterNot Tried0
Tiny Rebel - CwtchNot Tried0
Saltaire - Hazelnut Coffee PorterNot Tried0
Fyne - MaverickNot Tried0
Ilkley - Joshua JaneNot Tried0
Picture 1. Cask Pub & Kitchen, Pimlico, Central London
Picture 2. Cask Pub & Kitchen, Pimlico, Central London
Picture 3. Cask Pub & Kitchen, Pimlico, Central London

Visits Details

29 Dec 2023 (Magnus Greel)
London was teeming like a termite mound today and after failed attempts to gain entry to two other nearby pubs due to overcrowding I had a eureka moment and came here for a mid afternoon couple of pints before heading off to meet friends at St Pancras Hbf. I enjoyed the bliss of plenty of space plus available seating with the added bonus of being able to see the bar and access it without impediment!
Hophurst - Azacca4.00ExcellentA dry earthy tropical fruits play on an IPA..
Marble - Temporary Traffic Lights4.50GoodMalty peppery biscuity full bodied fare - described as a 'session ale'? Hmmm...
Tower - Winter Spirit5.00Not Tried
Marble - Pint (was 3.9%)3.40Not Tried
Driftwood Spars - Lou's Brew5.00Not Tried
Tower - Imperial IPA5.00Not Tried
Macintosh (cuckoo at Orbit) - Best Bitter4.60Not Tried
Driftwood Spars - Spars3.80Not Tried
Attic - Figment Pale Ale4.00Not Tried
29 Nov 2019 (Magnus Greel)
Mid evening and heaving, we decided to sit outside on a chilly yet dry evening thankfully todays alcohol intake had switched off one's automatic reaction to such temperatures.
Siren Craft - Undercurrent4.50Good
Tiny Rebel - Cwtch4.60Not Tried
Ilkley - Joshua Jane3.70Not Tried
Grey Trees - Winter Warmer5.20Not Tried
Grey Trees - JPR's Pale Ale4.70Not Tried
Grey Trees - Digger's Gold4.00Not Tried
Tiny Rebel - Pump up the Jam5.00Not Tried
Errant - Culture Shock4.50Not Tried
Neptune - Silenus5.60Not Tried
Grey Trees - Valley Porter4.60Not Tried
24 Sep 2018 (Magnus Greel)
Mid evening and very busy with a few outside on a not too chilly evening where we decided to sit at a free table by the entrance. Situated right under the flight path of arriving Heathrow planes would make this a plane spotter real ale drinker's heaven.
Grey Trees - JPR's Pale Ale4.70ExcellentFruity mango peachy malty with a spicy yeastiness combined with sherbert hints made for a flavoursome complex ale.
Rooster's - YPA (Yorkshire Pale Ale)4.10Not Tried
Hawkshead - NZPA6.00Not Tried
Hawkshead - Dry Stone Stout4.50Not Tried
Totally Brewed - Crazy like a Fox4.50Not Tried
Tiny Rebel - Tiny Batch Edition: Raspberry & Marshmallow Sour4.30Not Tried
CTZN (formerly Kew) - Camellia4.00Not Tried
Tiny Rebel - Churbro4.40Not Tried
29 Dec 2017 (Magnus Greel)
Late afternoon and fairly busy in this back street drinkers pub, good to see the majority of customers drinking the superb choice of ales on offer to which a list on every table was available making it a doddle to list them here.
Stardust - PK35.60ExceptionalI normally avoid the higher ABV beers however as this was one 'for the road' am glad I made the plunge. Golden fruity mellow beer with a subtle hop finish. Nectar of the gods, superb!
Vibrant Forest - Citra5.00GoodA more complex citra beer than I'm used to. Hazy with a sweet syrupy finish which turned smoky towards the end of the pint.
Fyne - Maverick4.20Not Tried
Hawkshead - Jingle Fells4.50Not Tried
Hawkshead - Cumbrian Five Hop5.00Not Tried
Stancill - Barnsley Bitter3.80Not Tried
Vibrant Forest - Summerlands (was 3.5%)3.40Not Tried
Wishbone - Bleep3.50Not Tried
Stardust - Just Stout4.20Not Tried
Tiny Rebel - The Vader Shuffle6.30Not Tried
08 Jan 2015 (HSB)
17:15 Not a Heritage pub, but as we were near it seemed rude not to go in. Only moan, virtually all tables reserved.
Mallinsons - S.P.A. Session Pale Ale 74.00ExcellentTriple hopped Kohatu Belma Chinook
Acorn - Barnsley Bitter3.80Not Tried
Buxton - Buxton Spa4.10Not Tried
Buxton - Wild Boar5.70Not Tried
Mallinsons - Nelson Sauvin3.80Not Tried
Mallinsons - Citra3.80Not Tried
Buxton - Axe Edge Double IPA6.80Not Tried
Northern Monk - Chennai Export Porter5.40Not Tried
Burning Sky - Porter4.80Not Tried
Northern Monk - Festive Star Spiced Mocha Porter5.90Not Tried
12 Aug 2013 (Stephen Harris)
It is now traditional that there is a very well-attended ‘Meet the Brewer’ night at Cask on the Monday of GBBF week. This year it featured the excellent beers of London’s Weird Beard Brewery. Ten beers on cask and a couple of additional different ones amongst the seven on keg dispense.
Weird Beard - Little Things That Kill3.80ExcellentCloudy, golden, unfiltered, low-strength beer full of hoppy flavour.
Weird Beard - Single Hop Amarillo7.50ExcellentGolden and opaque. Very hoppy, a bit spicy and slightly sour – tastes like a saison-style beer.
Weird Beard - Bad Habit8.60ExcellentAmber and very cloudy. Obviously strong, Belgian Tripel style beer.
Weird Beard - Holy Hoppin' Hell: Batch 29.70ExcellentHuge.
Weird Beard - Fade to Black6.30ExcellentBlack IPA with very big flavours. Everything in spades.
Weird Beard - Little Things That Kill (Coffee Beans)3.80GoodA version of the Little Things That Kill which has been aged over coffee beans. Strong coffee tastes.
Weird Beard - Five O'Clock Shadow6.90Not Tried
Weird Beard - Mariana Trench5.30Not Tried
Weird Beard - Black Perle (superseded by 3.8% version)4.50Not Tried
Weird Beard - Hit the Lights5.80Not Tried
04 Apr 2013 (HSB)
Later afternoon after having come back from the Bluebell railway. Nice and quiet when we arrived but soon filled up with noisy young people.
Tyne Bank - Heavenly Porter5.40Excellent
Magic Rock - Craft Magic3.20Excellent
Kirkstall - Dissolution IPA5.00Good
20 Mar 2013 (Stephen Harris)
A very well-attended ‘Pump Takeover’ and ‘Meet the Brewer’ session with Saltaire Brewery. I arrived early and left early, as I had another event to go to in the City – so I missed all the speech-making.
Saltaire - Tyke's Gold4.40ExcellentGolden-coloured and full-bodied. A good balance of buiscuity malt and robust, spicy hops.
Saltaire - Blackberry Cascade4.80GoodA very tasty beer with lots of hops and lots of berry.
Saltaire - Raspberry Blonde4.00GoodCondition a little flat on this one. Both bitter and sweet – heavy on the raspberries.
Saltaire - New World Red5.20GoodA fruity red ale, the fruitiness coming from both hops and malt.
Saltaire - Cascade Pale Ale4.80Not Tried
Saltaire - Saltaire Blonde4.00Not Tried
Saltaire - Triple Choc (was Triple Chocoholic)4.80Not Tried
Saltaire - Hazelnut Coffee Porter4.60Not Tried
Saltaire - Cascadian Black4.80Not Tried
Saltaire - Kala Black IPA6.20Not TriedThis was the beer I really wanted to try. The Law of Sod dictated that it was one of just three that had not come on by the time I had to leave.
28 Dec 2012 (Martin the Mildman)
Not too busy on a Friday evening after Christmas.
Thornbridge / Thornbridge Hall - Warp4.50ExcellentPale and hoppy with good citrus hop flavours. Dryish citrus hop finish. My score 16/20.
Thornbridge / Thornbridge Hall - Craft Union5.00GoodBrown ale brewed with rye and honey. Quite hoppy with rye dominating more than honey. My score 15/20.
03 Nov 2012 (Martin the Mildman)
Fairly busy late lunchtime on a Saturday
Tiny Rebel - Dirty Stop Out5.00ExcellentFull bodied roasty black stout. Served a little too cold for my liking, might have scored more. My score 16/20 with B for quality.

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About the Cask Pub & Kitchen

The pub sign. Cask Pub & Kitchen, Pimlico, Central London

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Pimlico, Central London, SW1V 2EE.

Once called Pimlico Tram this corner pub in Charlwood Street, in the heart of Pimlico, is surrounded by white washed London town houses. Open plan interior with plenty of seating and wood. Long bar at the rear has 8 handpumps, 3 for Thornbridge beers and also Dark Star as regular beers along with German and Belgian beer taps. Board displays beers coming soon. Plenty of good quality German and Belgian bottled beers. Friendly helpful staff and beer for takeaway too. Free newspapers to read and Thornbridge and Dark Star branded glassware. Bought by the long term licensee from Greene King in early 2018.

We have visited this pub 41 times, seen 214 different beers and tried 129 of them.

Map location

Postcode: SW1V 2EE