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Seven Stars (Free House)

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Penzance - MildExcellent1
Wessex - Warminster WarriorExcellent1
Sarah Hughes - EndeavourExcellent1
Great Orme - Welsh BlackExcellent1
Bridgehouse - Cherry Choc StoutExcellent1
Three Castles - ThunderExcellent1
Stroud - Tom Long Amber BitterExcellent1
Amber Ales - Hop Project GalaxyExcellent1
Colchester - MetropolisExcellent1
Millstone - True GritExcellent1
Parkway (formerly Glastonbury Ales) - Mighty ChiExcellent1
Severn Vale - MonumentaleExcellent1
Salopian - Golden ThreadGood1
Old Bear - Yorkshire AleGood1
Celt Experience (now brands are owned by Evans Evans) - Home of the FruitcakesGood1
Bridgehouse - PorterGood1
Hale's - Something About EnglandGood1
Green Jack - Lurcher StoutGood1
Arbor Ales - E BombGood1
Dark Star - Skinner's Pale AleAcceptable1
Mallinsons - The Little MasterAcceptable1
Goffs - Summer KnightNot Tried0
Celt Experience (now brands are owned by Evans Evans) - Native StormNot Tried0
Silver Street - Heavy (Malty B****rd)Not Tried0
Dark Star - DarknessNot Tried0
Plain Ales - InncognitoNot Tried0
Keystone - Gold HillNot Tried0
Three Castles - Corn DollyNot Tried0
Anarchy - Smoke BombNot Tried0
Corvedale - Dark And DeliciousNot Tried0
Sadler's (see also Windsor Castle entry) - Peaky Blinder Black IPA (was 4.6%)Not Tried0
Fallen - Grapevine New World PaleNot Tried0
Wye Valley - HPA (Hereford Pale Ale)Not Tried0
Plain Ales - Arty FartyNot Tried0
Celt Experience (now brands are owned by Evans Evans) - La TèneNot Tried0
XT Brewing - No. 8 Dark RoastNot Tried0
Bowman - NutzNot Tried0
Salopian - OracleNot Tried0
Caveman (latterly a cuckoo at Leatherbritches) - PalaeolithicNot Tried0
Hop Union (formerly Great Western (GWB)) - Edwins Ruby PorterNot Tried0
Offbeat - Out of Step IPANot Tried0
Arbor Ales - Why Kick a Moo CowNot Tried0
Saltaire - Kala Black IPANot Tried0
Tiny Rebel - Dirty Stop OutNot Tried0
Severn Vale - Nibley AleNot Tried0
Tiny Rebel - Cereal KillerNot Tried0
Flack's (a.k.a. Flack Manor) - WolfieNot Tried0
Silver Brewhouse (formerly Raw) - SolsticeNot Tried0
Stonehenge - RudolphNot Tried0
Three Castles - MonsoonNot Tried0
Cheddar - Gorge Best BitterNot Tried0
Goffs - Black KnightNot Tried0
Three Castles - SaxonNot Tried0
Twisted Oak - Spun GoldNot Tried0
Yeovil - Star GazerNot Tried0
Rudgate - Brew No. 18 Elderflower AleNot Tried0
Severn Vale - Severn SinsNot Tried0
Kingstone - Humpty's FuddleNot Tried0
Church End - Stout CoffinNot Tried0
RCH - PG SteamNot Tried0
Sadler's (see also Windsor Castle entry) - Penguin EmperorNot Tried0
Tring - MoonGazerNot Tried0
Cheddar - PotholerNot Tried0
Stewart - Edinburgh No. 3Not Tried0
Upham - StakesNot Tried0
Picture 1. Seven Stars, Bristol, Avon
Picture 2. Seven Stars, Bristol, Avon

Visits Details

29 Mar 2016 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening. Other beers details lost in this website's server crash.
Bridgehouse - Cherry Choc Stout6.00Excellent
Old Bear - Yorkshire Ale4.20Good
Bridgehouse - Porter4.50Good
15 Dec 2015 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening. Many small groups of after-office Christmas festivities drinkers.
Colchester - Metropolis3.90Excellent
Parkway (formerly Glastonbury Ales) - Mighty Chi6.50ExcellentAn innocent well balanced moreish "West Coast" IPA
Corvedale - Dark And Delicious4.60Not Tried
Wye Valley - HPA (Hereford Pale Ale)4.00Not Tried
XT Brewing - No. 8 Dark Roast4.50Not Tried
Caveman (latterly a cuckoo at Leatherbritches) - Palaeolithic3.80Not Tried
Arbor Ales - Why Kick a Moo Cow5.50Not Tried
07 Sep 2015 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening. Massive crowd on wooden tables in street outside, shared with the music venue next door.
Wessex - Warminster Warrior4.50Excellent
Three Castles - Thunder4.40ExcellentSuperbly balanced and smooth brew
Church End - Stout Coffin4.60Not Tried
Tring - MoonGazer4.30Not Tried
Upham - Stakes4.80Not Tried
Three Castles - Corn Dolly4.70Not Tried
Silver Street - Heavy (Malty B****rd)5.50Not TriedA mere taster was enough to kick this one into the very long grass. Horrible malt 'n' no hops taste
Keystone - Gold Hill4.00Not Tried
09 Jun 2015 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening. Bohemian feel, people talk, beer sploshes about, CAMRA discount. There was no incentive to move on.
Millstone - True Grit5.00ExcellentHad a second, for the road
Severn Vale - Monumentale4.50Excellent
Penzance - Mild3.60Excellent
Silver Brewhouse (formerly Raw) - Solstice3.80Not Tried
Three Castles - Monsoon4.50Not Tried
Three Castles - Saxon4.00Not Tried
Rudgate - Brew No. 18 Elderflower Ale4.20Not Tried
23 Apr 2015 (HSB)
15:20 Few outside, reasonably busy in. Much discussion with the barman from our cider drinker as to whether or not the cider was correctly described as dry.
Hale's - Something About England3.90GoodNew brewery for me. OK but nothing special.
Salopian - Oracle4.00Not Tried
Offbeat - Out of Step IPA5.80Not Tried
Tiny Rebel - Dirty Stop Out5.00Not Tried
Three Castles - Corn Dolly4.70Not Tried
Tiny Rebel - Cereal Killer3.00Not TriedDescribed as a "breakfast IPA"
17 Mar 2015 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening. Crowded then cleared out rather quickly.
Sarah Hughes - Endeavour4.60ExcellentBest beer of the evening by a long chalk so a second was called for
Celt Experience (now brands are owned by Evans Evans) - Home of the Fruitcakes6.00GoodBerry ridden flavours - a rich fruit laden foe
Stewart - Edinburgh No. 34.30Not Tried
Celt Experience (now brands are owned by Evans Evans) - Native Storm4.40Not Tried
Plain Ales - Inncognito4.80Not Tried
Anarchy - Smoke Bomb3.90Not Tried
Fallen - Grapevine New World Pale5.40Not Tried
Celt Experience (now brands are owned by Evans Evans) - La Tène3.50Not TriedRan out
13 Dec 2014 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening. Lively discussion with a CAMRA member about beer marking and GBG selection criteria.
Green Jack - Lurcher Stout4.80GoodInitially good but inclination to mark as excellent soon went away
Dark Star - Skinner's Pale Ale3.70AcceptableVery tired and proven later as ran out after 2 more pints were served
Stonehenge - Rudolph5.00Not Tried
Goffs - Black Knight5.30Not Tried
Yeovil - Star Gazer4.00Not Tried
Kingstone - Humpty's Fuddle5.80Not Tried
Sadler's (see also Windsor Castle entry) - Penguin Emperor4.80Not Tried
07 Nov 2014 (Tobes)
Friday evening 7pm First stop, very busy.
Great Orme - Welsh Black4.00Excellent
Stroud - Tom Long Amber Bitter3.80Excellent
Plain Ales - Arty Farty3.90Not Tried
Bowman - Nutz5.00Not Tried
Hop Union (formerly Great Western (GWB)) - Edwins Ruby Porter5.20Not Tried
Saltaire - Kala Black IPA6.20Not Tried
Severn Vale - Nibley Ale3.80Not Tried
Flack's (a.k.a. Flack Manor) - Wolfie4.90Not Tried
15 Sep 2014 (Philip Pirrip)
Salopian - Golden Thread5.00Good
Mallinsons - The Little Master5.60Acceptable
RCH - PG Steam3.90Not Tried
Cheddar - Potholer4.30Not Tried
Goffs - Summer Knight3.90Not Tried
Dark Star - Darkness3.50Not Tried
Three Castles - Corn Dolly4.70Not Tried
Sadler's (see also Windsor Castle entry) - Peaky Blinder Black IPA (was 4.6%)4.40Not Tried
26 Jun 2014 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening. Substantial CAMRA discount offered. An ale swilling house.
Amber Ales - Hop Project Galaxy4.20Excellent
Arbor Ales - E Bomb4.70Good
Cheddar - Gorge Best Bitter4.00Not Tried
Twisted Oak - Spun Gold4.50Not TriedRan out whilst being pulled
Severn Vale - Severn Sins5.20Not Tried

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About the Seven Stars

The pub sign. Seven Stars, Bristol, Avon

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Bristol, Avon, BS1 6JG.

One bar pub tucked away from the main drag into Bristol in Thomas Lane. Often has open mic for local musicians. Main attraction here though is the excellent range of beers, probably the best in Bristol. A healthy discount on real ale is given to CAMRA card carrying members - if not prompted by bar staff just ask. 8 handpumps sported here.

We have visited this pub 16 times, seen 92 different beers and tried 30 of them.

Map location

Postcode: BS1 6JG