
History: Home > Lord Harrowby

Lord Harrowby (Free House)

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Deeply Vale - Citra StormExceptional1
Salopian - Shropshire GoldExcellent1
Keltek - MagikExcellent1
Lister's (latterly brewed at Wantsum) - IPAExcellent1
Aurora - Brown DwarfExcellent1
Bristol Beer Factory - Milk StoutExcellent1
Timothy Taylor - Knowle SpringExcellent1
Baker's Dozen - Electric LandladyExcellent1
Brewster's - HopheadExcellent1
Buntingford - Tropical BreezeExcellent1
North Riding Brewery - Chocolate & Nut PorterExcellent1
Dow Bridge - AcrisExcellent1
Small World Beers - Long Moor PaleExcellent1
Mallinsons - TopazExcellent1
Baker's Dozen - Cuthbert's FeeExcellent1
Beer Studio (Hydes sub-brand) - DawnbreakerGood1
Vale - Dorian GrayGood1
Brewster's - Hopticale IllusionGood1
Mallinsons - S.P.A.Good1
Brewster's - India Pale AleAcceptable1
Oldershaw - Heavenly BlondeNot Tried0
Fixed Wheel - Chain Reaction Pale AleNot Tried0
Salopian - Darwin's OriginNot Tried0
Dancing Duck - dcukNot Tried0
Bays - TopsailNot Tried0
Wantsum - Montgomery (was SS Richard Montgomery)Not Tried0
Stockport - South Island PaleNot Tried0
Front Row - LomuNot Tried0
Aurora - EclipseNot Tried0
Grasshopper - Devil's HorseNot Tried0
Dark Star - Hophead was 3.8% (some has also been brewed by Fuller's)Not Tried0
Purity - JimboNot Tried0
Little Critters - Single Batch Rakau & Nelson SauvinNot Tried0
Little Critters - Shire HorseNot Tried0
Picture 1. Lord Harrowby, Grantham, Lincolnshire
Michael Croxford

Visits Details

11 Aug 2023 (Magnus Greel)
Final pub of today and as always friendly welcome and efficient service from the bar staff. Just a few others in not long after 16.00 opening but soon joined by many more in this popular locals pub. For as long as this pub exists and I'm able to I aim to make this at least a yearly pilgramige in honour of P&B legend and luminary Phillip Pirrip who frequented this establishment many times over the years...
Bristol Beer Factory - Milk Stout4.50ExcellentSmooth creamy and not too sickly sweet delicious nectar.
Baker's Dozen - Electric Landlady5.00ExcellentBursting with tropical mango flavour and aroma made this a fine beer to finish the day on.
Brewster's - Hophead3.60Not Tried
Little Critters - Single Batch Rakau & Nelson Sauvin4.20Not Tried
Little Critters - Shire Horse3.90Not Tried
13 Mar 2022 (Magnus Greel)
Well timed mid afternoon visit as I arrived an exodus of lunchtime diners was in progress. I sat at one of the 2 bar seats by the entrance and as always here bathed in the joy, happiness and comfort this pub once imbued.
Brewster's - Hophead3.60ExcellentDespite my best efforts I couldn't find fault with this zesty refreshing nectar
North Riding Brewery - Chocolate & Nut Porter4.50ExcellentDoes what it says on the clip. An absolute delight to drink
Baker's Dozen - Cuthbert's Fee4.10ExcellentLight hoppy dry and creamy. Superb!
Brewster's - India Pale Ale6.00AcceptableUnexpectedly smoky and peaty for an IPA. Admittedly towards the end of the barrel.
01 Sep 2021 (Magnus Greel)
The 'craze pub' concept has always fascinated me and this place is no exception. I've never been able to establish what merits a pub to reach such an esteemed accolade yet so fall so highly from grace. However despite a change of ownership am pleased to see the current real ale list on the wall by the entrance door remains and can't see much change from my last visit apart from a rip off 'craft beer' selection, I shared my thoughts with the new guvnor yet thankfully he seems keen on keeping a decent selection of real ales available.
Salopian - Shropshire Gold3.80Excellent
Lister's (latterly brewed at Wantsum) - IPA4.30ExcellentEven when you know you've had enough yet the beer is so good you can gulp it down. I need say no more.
Timothy Taylor - Knowle Spring4.20ExcellentFaultless mellow slight honey notes golden nectar.
Brewster's - Hophead3.60Not Tried
Purity - Jimbo4.00Not Tried
02 Sep 2020 (ChrisE)
Evening visit with a few friends, we had the front bar to ourselves whilst the back bar was fairly busy with locals. Although this was supposed to be the start of a pub tour we liked it here and remained until closing time. The landlady was very welcoming and informed us that she is holding a Beer from the Wood festival with fifteen beers in wooden casks planned to be available from Thursday 10th September to Sunday 13 September. I am tempted to attend.
Dow Bridge - Acris3.80ExcellentMy first pint of Dow Bridge, a beer that I have been meaning to try for many years as Russel Webb the brewer is a friend from the early days of Rugby CAMRA. I was really pleased with this excellent session beer and stayed on it for the entire evening.
02 Sep 2020 (Magnus Greel)
Mid evening and friendly welcome as always here. Left side bar was busy so we occupied the empty more basic right hand bar. Quiet relaxing atmosphere made for a pleasant visit hence we decided to stay for the rest of the evening.
Deeply Vale - Citra Storm4.00ExceptionalDry refreshing hoppy and slightly spicy. Faultless.
Buntingford - Tropical Breeze3.70ExcellentSubtle tropical flavours yet smooth and creamy.
Dark Star - Hophead was 3.8% (some has also been brewed by Fuller's)3.40Not Tried
Brewster's - Hophead3.60Not Tried
Dow Bridge - Acris3.80Not Tried
22 May 2019 (Magnus Greel)
Not long after 3pm opening and I was the first customer, friendly welcome I perched at the bar and quenched my thirst after walking from the station on a pleasantly warm day.
Aurora - Brown Dwarf4.00ExcellentMore of a stout than a bitter. Lingering roast coffee and malts very pleasant.
Beer Studio (Hydes sub-brand) - Dawnbreaker3.80GoodZesty refreshing and wheaty
Front Row - Lomu5.40Not Tried
Aurora - Eclipse4.20Not Tried
Grasshopper - Devil's Horse4.30Not Tried
15 Oct 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit with usual very warm welcome and on a balmy late autumn night too!
Small World Beers - Long Moor Pale3.90ExcellentIn fine form
Oldershaw - Heavenly Blonde3.80Not Tried
Wantsum - Montgomery (was SS Richard Montgomery)4.00Not Tried
Stockport - South Island Pale4.10Not Tried
18 Jul 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening until 11pm close. My first visit for 7 months - where DOES time go?
Brewster's - Hopticale Illusion4.00Good
Mallinsons - S.P.A.3.90Good
Oldershaw - Heavenly Blonde3.80Not Tried
Bays - Topsail4.00Not Tried
02 Dec 2016 (Philip Pirrip)
Rare, for me, early evening visit. Great welcome and very cosy here.
Vale - Dorian Gray3.90GoodGood enough to have a second, distinctively malty
Salopian - Darwin's Origin4.30Not Tried
Oldershaw - Heavenly Blonde3.80Not Tried
Dancing Duck - dcuk4.30Not Tried
10 Oct 2016 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening until 11pm close. Shocked to hear of Lynda's latest tribulations but delighted she is back on full form. Darts night in t'other bar.
Mallinsons - Topaz4.30Excellent
Keltek - Magik4.00ExcellentDown from its previous 4.2% strength
Oldershaw - Heavenly Blonde3.80Not Tried
Fixed Wheel - Chain Reaction Pale Ale4.20Not Tried

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About the Lord Harrowby

The pub sign. Lord Harrowby, Grantham, Lincolnshire

Summary of Beer Scores


The pub is found in Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 9AB.

A traditional street corner local. Two bars with a central servery. Pictures of various types of military aircraft adorn the walls. Very bright flowery wallpaper in main bar is very cheery. Holds occasional beer festivals. Small discount on pints and halves of real ales for card carrying CAMRA members. Regular beer festivals held here. Cider is dispensed by gravity from the cellar. 2 handpumps in the public and 4 in the saloon bar.

We have visited this pub 34 times, seen 119 different beers and tried 66 of them.

Map location

Postcode: NG31 9AB