
History: Home > The Distillery (formerly The Slug and Lettuce)

The Distillery (formerly The Slug and Lettuce) (Stonegate Pub Co)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Lincoln Green - Tuck PorterExcellent1
North Star - PolarisExcellent2
Black Sheep - ProgressGood1
Blue Monkey - MagicGood1
Ole Slewfoot - Little Bear BitterGood1
Bird's - Black Widow StoutGood1
Mayfields - Wonderful Winter AleGood1
Salopian - Hop TwisterNot Tried0
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Bombardier (was Bombardier Glorious English) (use Eagle entry now please)Not Tried0
Oakham - AttilaNot Tried0
Salopian - Darwin's OriginNot Tried0
Green Jack - Trawlerboys Best BitterNot Tried0
Nottingham - Foundry MildNot Tried0
Nottingham - Centurion NDNot Tried0
Oakham - Scarlet MacawNot Tried0
Mad Squirrel (formerly Red Squirrel) - Hertfordshire HopNot Tried0
Lincoln Green - Scarlett Amber AleNot Tried0
Oakham - VagabondNot Tried0
Tring - Squadron ScrambleNot Tried0
Oakham - MeantimeNot Tried0
Kelham Island (probably brewed by Thornbridge now) - Pale RiderNot Tried0
Blue Monkey - WrenchNot Tried0
Dark Star - Hophead was 3.8% (some has also been brewed by Fuller's)Not Tried0
North Star - EndeavourNot Tried0
Salopian - Shropshire GoldNot Tried0
Lincoln Green - SheriffNot Tried0
Isle of Purbeck - Studland Bay WreckedNot Tried0
Nottingham - BullionNot Tried0

Visits Details

07 Mar 2013 (Stephen Harris)
In every way like pubs in the Slug & Lettuce chain which I know (and generally avoid) in London – except that it features four unusual micro-brewed beers and gives a 10% CAMRA discount. A concept they should roll-out over the entire chain in my opinion.
Ole Slewfoot - Little Bear Bitter3.70GoodPale amber in colour. A full-bodied, malty brew.
Bird's - Black Widow Stout4.50GoodNear black in colour with red tinges. Fruity, some roast barley and a little bitterness.
Mayfields - Wonderful Winter Ale4.20GoodAmber-coloured. A pretty decent, balanced bitter.
Nottingham - Bullion4.70Not Tried
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Bombardier (was Bombardier Glorious English) (use Eagle entry now please)4.10Not Tried
02 Nov 2012 (Martin the Mildman)
Probably the only S&L that holds a beer festival!
North Star - Polaris5.00ExcellentVery dark ruby/black porter style beer with good malt character and some hop bitterness. A little fruit in the finish. My score 16/20.
Black Sheep - Progress4.00GoodAmber bitter with good hop bitterness, some malt for balance and a dryish finish. My score 15/20.
Blue Monkey - Magic4.50GoodDark brown bitter with bitterness both from hops and dark malts. Some fruitiness in the finish. My score 15/20.
02 Nov 2012 (Stu)
Early lunch, busy beer festival on.
Lincoln Green - Tuck Porter4.70ExcellentDark brown with hint of red,Toffee malts with some red fruit flavours.
North Star - Polaris5.00ExcellentDark red in colour,with chocolate and liquorice malts, some coffee coming through and a bitter finish.
Kelham Island (probably brewed by Thornbridge now) - Pale Rider5.20Not Tried
Dark Star - Hophead was 3.8% (some has also been brewed by Fuller's)3.40Not Tried
Salopian - Shropshire Gold3.80Not Tried
Isle of Purbeck - Studland Bay Wrecked4.50Not Tried
Salopian - Hop Twister4.50Not Tried
Oakham - Attila7.50Not Tried
Salopian - Darwin's Origin4.30Not Tried
Green Jack - Trawlerboys Best Bitter4.60Not Tried
Nottingham - Foundry Mild4.70Not Tried
Nottingham - Centurion ND4.90Not Tried
Oakham - Scarlet Macaw4.40Not Tried
Mad Squirrel (formerly Red Squirrel) - Hertfordshire Hop4.50Not Tried
Lincoln Green - Scarlett Amber Ale4.80Not Tried
Black Sheep - Progress4.00Not Tried
Oakham - Vagabond5.00Not Tried
Tring - Squadron Scramble4.00Not Tried
Oakham - Meantime4.70Not Tried
Blue Monkey - Wrench4.60Not Tried
Blue Monkey - Magic4.50Not Tried
North Star - Endeavour5.50Not Tried
Lincoln Green - Sheriff5.50Not Tried

About The Distillery (formerly The Slug and Lettuce)

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Leicester, Leicestershire, LE1 6DP.

In Market Street, once a Hogshead, unusually for this pub chain some micro-breweries' beers are featured. Gives a real ale price discount to card carrying CAMRA members. Re-named again in November 2017.

We have visited this pub 3 times, seen 28 different beers and tried 7 of them.

Map location

Postcode: LE1 6DP