
History: Home > Kent County Cricket Tunbridge Wells - CAMRA Beer Tent

Kent County Cricket Tunbridge Wells - CAMRA Beer Tent (Beer Tent)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Wantsum - DynamoExcellent1
Oakham - JHBExcellent1
Tonbridge - Blonde AmbitionExcellent1
Kent - Session PaleExcellent2
Harvey's - IPAExcellent1
Mighty Oak - Oscar Wilde MildExcellent1
Larkins - TraditionalGood1
Dartford Wobbler (re-named from Millis) - Dartford WobblerGood1
Dartford Wobbler (re-named from Millis) - Guinea GuzzlerGood1
Ripple Steam - Classic IPAGood1
Rother Valley - Level BestGood1
Dark Star - Hophead was 3.8% (some has also been brewed by Fuller's)Good1
Musket - Flintlock Best BitterGood1
Shepherd Neame - Master Brew BitterNot Tried0
RCH - Hewish IPANot Tried0

Visits Details

26 May 2017 (Stephen Harris)
Always a pleasure to watch county cricket at Tunbridge Wells, enhanced by the presence here of a fine CAMRA Beer Tent. I was too concerned about impending sunburn and the inability of the Sussex bowlers to remove Kentish wickets to take any beer notes.
Kent - Session Pale3.70Excellent
Wantsum - Dynamo4.30Excellent
Dartford Wobbler (re-named from Millis) - Guinea Guzzler3.70GoodBadged as Millis.
25 May 2014 (oz11)
The beer was on good form, Kent, sadly, not so much.
Mighty Oak - Oscar Wilde Mild3.70Excellent
Kent - Session Pale3.70Excellent
Harvey's - IPA3.50Excellent
Rother Valley - Level Best4.00Good
Dark Star - Hophead was 3.8% (some has also been brewed by Fuller's)3.40Good
Dartford Wobbler (re-named from Millis) - Dartford Wobbler4.30Good
Ripple Steam - Classic IPA4.50Good
Musket - Flintlock Best Bitter4.20Good
02 Jun 2013 (oz11)
Three beers on at any one time.
Oakham - JHB3.80Excellent
Tonbridge - Blonde Ambition4.20Excellent
Larkins - Traditional3.40Good
Shepherd Neame - Master Brew Bitter3.70Not Tried
RCH - Hewish IPA3.60Not Tried

About the Kent County Cricket Tunbridge Wells - CAMRA Beer Tent

Summary of Beer Scores


The pub is found in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 5ES.

CAMRA Beer Tent. Entry restricted to CAMRA members and their guests.

We have visited this pub 3 times, seen 15 different beers and tried 13 of them.

Map location

Postcode: TN2 5ES