
History: Home > The Chequers Inn

The Chequers Inn (Free House)

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Adnams - Southwold BitterExcellent1
Harvey's - Old Ale (or Sussex XXXX Old Ale)Excellent1
Skinner's - Chapel RockGood1
Banks's - WainwrightGood1
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Spring TopGood1
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Red TopAcceptable1
Greene King - IPA (was 3.6%)Acceptable1
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Copper TopAcceptable1
Jennings (since closure now brewed at Marston's) - Cumberland AleAcceptable1
Harvey's - Sussex Best BitterAcceptable1
Marston's - Wychwood Hobgoblin IPA (was Ruby Beer, was Hobgoblin)Not Tried0
Sharp's - Doom BarNot Tried0
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - London PrideNot Tried0
Brains - Hancock's HBNot Tried0
Greene King - Morland Old Speckled HenNot Tried0
Wychwood (now brewed at Banks's) - Bah Humbug!Not Tried0
Picture 1. The Chequers Inn, Smarden, Kent

Visits Details

18 Dec 2024 (Wittenden)
Recently reopened after a brief if controversial period of closure,by a local family.Apparently food will be available at all hours. A few in on a late afternoon of murk.
Harvey's - Old Ale (or Sussex XXXX Old Ale)4.30ExcellentAutumnal hedgerow magic. If all the new management's beers will be as good!
Harvey's - Sussex Best Bitter4.00Not Tried
02 Dec 2022 (Wittenden)
Dusk on a gloomy December Friday.Quiet:this pub has so much going for it, and yet...
Banks's - Wainwright4.10GoodThe lights were on, but nobody there.Condition fine.
Marston's - Wychwood Hobgoblin IPA (was Ruby Beer, was Hobgoblin)4.50Not TriedNot sure which iteration this was!
05 Nov 2022 (Wittenden)
Guy Fawkes Night in Smarden:it's The Law to come here.Absolutely packed.
Skinner's - Chapel Rock4.00GoodA sweetish,orange vibe.Served in plastic glasses due to the bonfire parade.
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
25 Aug 2019 (Wittenden)
Sunday evening :three others in.Dull beer range.
Jennings (since closure now brewed at Marston's) - Cumberland Ale4.00AcceptableNot at its best,verging on the Poor.
Greene King - IPA (was 3.6%)3.40Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
21 Dec 2018 (Wittenden)
Late afternoon on the shortest day.A few in.
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Copper Top4.10AcceptableFair pint.
Wychwood (now brewed at Banks's) - Bah Humbug!4.30Not Tried
17 Mar 2018 (Wittenden)
Mid Saturday afternoon:a few watching the rugby.ChrisE's recent visit prompted me to wonder why I hadn't been in to what is my next nearest pub in over a year.Beer range was the answer.
Greene King - IPA (was 3.6%)3.40AcceptableDrunk without prejudice.Old school in an inoffensive manner.
Greene King - Morland Old Speckled Hen4.50Not Tried
18 Jan 2018 (ChrisE)
A few diners in the left hand bar but otherwise pretty quiet.
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Red Top3.80Acceptable
Greene King - IPA (was 3.6%)3.40Not Tried
31 Dec 2016 (Wittenden)
Mid afternoon on New Years Eve. Quiet.
Adnams - Southwold Bitter3.70ExcellentA fortuitous visit, as I realised last night that I hadn't tried this old favourite this year.Delicious pint of this traditional bitter.Flinty East Coast malt,discrete pepperiness.
Greene King - Morland Old Speckled Hen4.50Not Tried
Jennings (since closure now brewed at Marston's) - Cumberland Ale4.00Not Tried
05 Nov 2016 (Wittenden)
Pub packed for Smarden's Bonfire Celebrations-just like the old days.No Kentish ales on.
Harvey's - Sussex Best Bitter4.00AcceptableSweetish grains.
Fuller's (part of Asahi Europe) - London Pride4.10Not TriedRan out.
Brains - Hancock's HB3.60Not Tried
24 Apr 2016 (Wittenden)
Quiet mid evening on a spring Monday.
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Spring Top4.00GoodUneventful.
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried

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About The Chequers Inn

The pub sign. The Chequers Inn, Smarden, Kent

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Smarden, Kent, TN27 8QA.

White weatherboarded pub in centre of the village in The Street. Pleasant beer garden at rear. Accommodation available. The old public bar is now a restaurant.

We have visited this pub 28 times, seen 32 different beers and tried 25 of them.

Map location

Postcode: TN27 8QA