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Pub sign for The Plough Inn, RippleThe Plough Inn, Ripple, KentAppears closed
Pub sign for The Mariner, FolkestoneThe Mariner, Folkestone, KentAppears closed
Pub sign for The Plum Tree, PlumsteadThe Plum Tree, Plumstead, Greater LondonAppears closed

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Pub sign for The River Ale House, East GreenwichThe River Ale House, East Greenwich, Greater LondonPhilip Pirrip06 Feb 2025
This pub does not have a pub sign pictureTucker’s Grave Inn, Faulkland, SomersetJack William06 Feb 2025
Pub sign for The Sun Inn, St Nicholas-at-WadeThe Sun Inn, St Nicholas-at-Wade, KentChrisatSturry06 Feb 2025
Pub sign for Claret & Ale (formerly Claret Free House), AddiscombeClaret & Ale (formerly Claret Free House), Addiscombe, Greater LondonPhilip Pirrip05 Feb 2025
Pub sign for Three Chimneys, BiddendenThree Chimneys, Biddenden, KentWittenden05 Feb 2025
This pub does not have a pub sign pictureWhite Hart, Castle Combe, WiltshireJack William05 Feb 2025
Pub sign for The Old Green Tree, BathThe Old Green Tree, Bath, SomersetJack William05 Feb 2025
This pub does not have a pub sign pictureCoeur De Lion, Bath, SomersetJack William05 Feb 2025
Pub sign for The River Ale House, East GreenwichThe River Ale House, East Greenwich, Greater LondonPhilip Pirrip,
Hogan Sampling
04 Feb 2025
This pub does not have a pub sign pictureThe Crown Inn, Bathford, SomersetJack William04 Feb 2025
This pub does not have a pub sign pictureThe Furze Wren, Bexleyheath, Greater LondonPhilip Pirrip03 Feb 2025
Pub sign for The River Ale House, East GreenwichThe River Ale House, East Greenwich, Greater LondonPhilip Pirrip02 Feb 2025
Pub sign for The Crown Inn, FingleshamThe Crown Inn, Finglesham, KentJack William02 Feb 2025
Pub sign for The River Ale House, East GreenwichThe River Ale House, East Greenwich, Greater LondonHogan Sampling02 Feb 2025
Pub sign for The County Hotel, AshfordThe County Hotel, Ashford, KentMagnus Greel02 Feb 2025
Pub sign for The Plough Inn, Stalisfield GreenThe Plough Inn, Stalisfield Green, KentWittenden02 Feb 2025
Pub sign for The New Cross Turnpike, WellingThe New Cross Turnpike, Welling, Greater LondonPhilip Pirrip01 Feb 2025
Pub sign for The Long Pond, ElthamThe Long Pond, Eltham, Greater LondonPhilip Pirrip01 Feb 2025
Pub sign for Larkins' Alehouse, CranbrookLarkins' Alehouse, Cranbrook, KentWittenden01 Feb 2025
Pub sign for Star & Garter, BromleyStar & Garter, Bromley, Greater LondonPhilip Pirrip31 Jan 2025
Pub sign for The Door Hinge, WellingThe Door Hinge, Welling, Greater LondonPhilip Pirrip31 Jan 2025
Pub sign for The River Ale House, East GreenwichThe River Ale House, East Greenwich, Greater LondonHogan Sampling31 Jan 2025


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About PubsandBeer

This site is dedicated to that unique combination of a pint of Real Ale in a pub. We travel the country looking for pubs that serve different Real Ales and we write what we find.

Real ale can vary in quality from pub to pub but it also varies over time. It's quite common for 2 pints from the same barrel to taste considerably different if poured a few days apart.

This is because Real Ale is alive and constantly developing in the barrel. Therefore we will rate the same beer over and over again to get a representative score.

We don't rate pubs directly but we will usually comment about what we thought of them in the text of our visits.

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