
History: Home > The Robert Pocock

The Robert Pocock (Wetherspoon)

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Kent - PorterExcellent1
Westerham - God's WallopExcellent1
Kent - ProhibitionExcellent1
JW Lees (see also Lees) - Dirty DozenExcellent1
Theakston - Old PeculierGood1
Vale of Glamorgan (VOG) - Dark MatterGood1
Whitstable - East India Pale Ale (or EIPA)Good1
Hambleton - Stallion AmberGood1
Titanic - Plum PorterGood1
Big Penny (formerly Truman's) as of late 2022 contract brewed - RunnerGood1
Goddards - Duck's FollyGood1
Hook Norton - Twelve DaysGood1
Brains - The Rev James OriginalAcceptable1
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Red TopPoor1
Marston's - PedigreeUndrinkable1
Butcombe - Brunel Atlantic IPANot Tried0
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - SunchaserNot Tried0
Greene King - AbbotNot Tried0
Moorhouse's - Pride of PendleNot Tried0
Big Penny (formerly Truman's) as of late 2022 contract brewed - ZephyrNot Tried0
Sharp's - Doom BarNot Tried0
Adnams - Sixpoint Make It RainNot Tried0
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)Not Tried0
Adnams - Ghost ShipNot Tried0
Westerham - Spirit of Kent XXX Pale AleNot Tried0
Shepherd Neame - Spitfire Gold (or Spitfire Golden Ale)Not Tried0
Caledonian - Cold ComfortNot Tried0
Otter - HeadNot Tried0
Banks's - Barley Brown's Tumble Off Pale AleNot Tried0
Whitstable - Pearl of KentNot Tried0
Greene King - Morland Old Speckled HenNot Tried0
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Blue TopNot Tried0
Exmoor - ExmasNot Tried0
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Courage Directors (use Banks's entry now please)Not Tried0
Mordue - Tinsel ToonNot Tried0
Westerham - British Bulldog "BB" (was 4.3%)Not Tried0
Ringwood - Old ThumperNot Tried0
Westerham - 1965 Special Bitter AleNot Tried0
Adnams - Het Anker Belgian BlondNot Tried0
Adnams - FreewheelNot Tried0
Marston's - Old Empire IPANot Tried0
Whitstable - RenaissanceNot Tried0
Purity - Pure UBUNot Tried0
Shepherd Neame - Spitfire (or Spitfire Amber Ale)Not Tried0
Salopian - Darwin's OriginNot Tried0
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - Brimmer Kawasaki Red AleNot Tried0
Shepherd Neame - Bishops FingerNot Tried0
Jennings (since closure now brewed at Marston's) - Clean SlateNot Tried0
Marston's - Wychwood Hobgoblin IPA (was Ruby Beer, was Hobgoblin)Not Tried0
Adnams - BroadsideNot Tried0
Picture 1. The Robert Pocock, Gravesend, Kent
Photographs of pub sign and frontage are © Copyright David Anstiss and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.

Visits Details

15 Jun 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Brief late night visit, clock watching for a last train.
Big Penny (formerly Truman's) as of late 2022 contract brewed - Runner4.00GoodA snip at £1.99pp
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Brains - The Rev James Original4.50Not Tried
Big Penny (formerly Truman's) as of late 2022 contract brewed - Zephyr4.40Not Tried
Shepherd Neame - Spitfire Gold (or Spitfire Golden Ale)4.10Not Tried
02 Jun 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit, soon followed in by several other Compass Alehouse refugees.
Hambleton - Stallion Amber4.20Good
Shepherd Neame - Spitfire (or Spitfire Amber Ale)4.20Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Shepherd Neame - Bishops Finger5.00Not Tried
Marston's - Wychwood Hobgoblin IPA (was Ruby Beer, was Hobgoblin)4.50Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - Sunchaser4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
19 May 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
After The Compass alehouse had closed, visit until late.
Whitstable - East India Pale Ale (or EIPA)4.10Good
Adnams - Broadside4.70Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Big Penny (formerly Truman's) as of late 2022 contract brewed - Runner4.00Not TriedPopular tonight cos of Gravesend's close association with Truman's of old perhaps?
Whitstable - Renaissance3.80Not Tried
Adnams - Freewheel3.60Not Tried
12 May 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit.
Theakston - Old Peculier5.60Good
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Courage Directors (use Banks's entry now please)4.80Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Westerham - British Bulldog "BB" (was 4.3%)4.10Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Westerham - 1965 Special Bitter Ale4.80Not Tried
Adnams - Freewheel3.60Not Tried
05 May 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit after The Compass Alehouse had closed.
Kent - Prohibition4.80ExcellentA real hop smack from American varieties
JW Lees (see also Lees) - Dirty Dozen4.20Excellent
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Otter - Head5.80Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Whitstable - Pearl of Kent4.50Not Tried
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Blue Top4.80Not Tried
08 Apr 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit after The Compass Alehouse had closed. A rarely poor range on here tonight.
Brains - The Rev James Original4.50AcceptableNot up to much
Marston's - Pedigree4.50UndrinkableUgh, nastily undrinkable. Clear as a bell but a totally tainted taste. Swapped with good grace and taken off sale
Adnams - Broadside4.70Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Adnams - Ghost Ship4.50Not Tried
Shepherd Neame - Spitfire Gold (or Spitfire Golden Ale)4.10Not Tried
14 Jan 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening late visit.
Goddards - Duck's Folly5.20Good
Vale of Glamorgan (VOG) - Dark Matter4.40Good
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Red Top3.80PoorReturned the pint which was swapped without question but left on sale. Horrible burnt sugar taste. Others after me found it drinkable apparently
Adnams - Broadside4.70Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Butcombe - Brunel Atlantic IPA5.00Not Tried
Moorhouse's - Pride of Pendle4.10Not Tried
Adnams - Sixpoint Make It Rain5.00Not Tried
31 Dec 2016 (Philip Pirrip)
Left just after 11pm for a last train.
Titanic - Plum Porter4.90GoodFull on with the plum
Adnams - Broadside4.70Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Marston's - Old Empire IPA5.70Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Purity - Pure UBU4.50Not Tried
Salopian - Darwin's Origin4.30Not Tried
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - Brimmer Kawasaki Red Ale5.00Not Tried
Jennings (since closure now brewed at Marston's) - Clean Slate4.00Not Tried
18 Dec 2016 (Philip Pirrip)
Early evening change of trains visit. Thriving on food sales.
Westerham - God's Wallop4.00Excellent
Adnams - Broadside4.70Not Tried
Greene King - Morland Old Speckled Hen4.50Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Exmoor - Exmas5.00Not Tried
Mordue - Tinsel Toon4.30Not Tried
Ringwood - Old Thumper5.10Not Tried
Adnams - Het Anker Belgian Blond5.00Not Tried
29 Nov 2016 (Philip Pirrip)
Kent - Porter5.50ExcellentLovely dry taste and heartwarming
Hook Norton - Twelve Days5.50Good
Adnams - Broadside4.70Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Westerham - Spirit of Kent XXX Pale Ale4.00Not Tried
Caledonian - Cold Comfort4.50Not Tried
Banks's - Barley Brown's Tumble Off Pale Ale5.00Not Tried

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About The Robert Pocock

The pub sign. The Robert Pocock, Gravesend, Kent

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Gravesend, Kent, DA12 1AH.

Typical town centre Wetherspoon's, named after the printer and publisher who introduced Gravesend's first printing press, in 1786, and opened the town's first library at the back of his high-street shop. At his premises, in High Street, he published illustrated children's books, including Reading Made Easy and, in 1797, The History of Gravesend and Milton - the first history book of Gravesend. Narrow frontage (actual frontage on two separate streets) leads to a large interior on two levels although only one bar serving counter which has 12 handpumps in 2 banks each of 6.

We have visited this pub 55 times, seen 187 different beers and tried 56 of them.

Map location

Postcode: DA12 1AH